Senin, 25 Februari 2013
Mengenal setCPU dan Kegunaanya untuk menghemat batere atau meningkatkan performance
Ini ada penjelasan buat yang bingung tentang scalling setCPU.
Governors adalah skema yang digunakan oleh kernel untuk menentukan bagaimana mengontrol frekuensi prosesor HH kita. berikut saya jelaskan beberapa governor (Governor ada 18,saya bisa jelaskan 10 saja,mohon dimaafkan karena keterbatasan kosa kata. Selebihnya bisa lihat di :
1. Performance/Always Max
Performance memaksa CPU untuk jalan di frekuensi maksimum secara konstan, jadi kalo disetting max 1000 CPU bakal jalan 1000 terus
plus : Better performance and speed. minus : membuat konsumsi power sangat tinggi, battery boros, bisa bikin device overheat (panas)
2. Powersave
Powersave memaksa CPU jalan di frekuensi minimum secara konstan, tidak selalu jalan minimum hanya memaksa sebisa mungkin di frequensi minimum.
plus : konsumsi power sangat kecil, battery life gak diragukan lagi, bakal hemat
minus : Poor performance and speed, ngelag, lebih besar kemungkinan app force close, random restart kalo HHnya cuma buat SMS doank pake ini aja
3. Userspace
Userspace bukan dari governor manapun, setting ini memberi kebebasan kita untuk mengatur sendiri frekuensi cpu.
plus : None. minus : Sangat jarang kernel develop gunakan setting ini
4. Ondemand
Ondemand: cepat banget untuk menaikkan frekuensi dan menurunkannya, saat booting frekuensi berjalan sangat cepat, namun setelah booting langsung turun ke skala terendah, sangat bagus untuk keseimbangan battery dan perform, Ondemand dengan kata lain menyetting frekuensi CPU sesuai kebutuhan.
plus : Good performance,good battery life.
minus : CPU frekuensi secara konstan naik atau turun mendadak, menyebabkan menguras power dibandingkan frekuensi yang di set frekuensi middle. cocok buat yang jarang" buka game HD atau aplikasi yang membutuhkan frekuensi CPU tinggi, yg lebih sering terima sms,chat,dll
5. Conservative
Conservative ini berlawanan dengan Interactive dan berbeda dengan Ondemand (yang secara mendadak naik turun frekuensi dengan cepat). jadi frekuensi CPU di scaling Conservative untuk meningkat ke frekuensi paling tinggi, Conservative naik secara lambat, namun untuk turun ke frekuensi terendah bakal seperti terjun bebas.
plus : Secara teori sih battey life lebih bagus dibanding Ondemand karena naik tidak secara mendadak, menaikkan frekuensi CPU kalo benar-benar memang dibutuhkan. minus : karena pelannya menaikkan frekuensi, ini berarti saat launching aplikasi atau booting device bakal sedikit ngelag dan lambat.
6. Interactive
Interactive lawan dari Conservative. ke max frekuensi cepat, namun saat turun ke frekuensi terendah turun secara perlahan.
plus : respon bakal cepat.
minus: karena naik ke frekuensi paling tinggi lebih cepat, jadi nyedot batterynya juga lumayan cocok buat user antilag and anti ama lola (loading lama)
7. Smartass
Hampir sama dengan Interactive, tapi secara otomatis menurunkan maksimum frekuensi di CPU saat phone Idle ato sleep.
plus : Sama dengan Interactive, secara teori better battery life jika HH lebih sering sleep minus : Sama dengan Interactive, CPU turun dengan lambat setelah tidak digunakan (dari aplikasi apapun). beberapa kasus di scaling ini membuat frekuensi CPU terlalu rendah, hal ini membuat HH malfunction dan tidak merespon (ngehang), salah kaprahnya deepsleep
8. Smoothass
Sedikit lebih agresive dari Smartass yang cepat naik dan turunkan frekuensi CPU,lebih sering di frekuensi terendah saat idle/sleep
plus : better battery life than Smartass. minus : kelemahannya sama dengan Smartass
9. SmartassV2
Perubahan dari Smartass. Perlu diketahui, governor ini sangat digemari di quarter 3-4 ditahun 2011. Untuk developer, SmartassV2 sangat nyaman, kecepatan menurunkan frekuensi sama dengan Conservative. SmartassV2 lebih sering berjalan di frekuensi middle, sejauh ini yang saya lihat rata" bejalan di frekuensi 518Mhz, naik ke frekuensi lebih tinggi secara bertahap, namun tidak sampai terjadi lag.
plus: Sama dengan Smartass, memiliki potensi lebih hemat battery, saat screenoff akan deepsleep (aplikasi bener" tertidur dan tidak ada aplikasi yang aktif kecuali beberapa aplikasi yang secara periode membutuhkan update data) Minus : Sama dengan Smartass
10. LagFree
LagFree secara mendadak berjalan di frekuensi tertentu setelah HH hidup, sistemnya sama dengan Conservative. Namun saat down-scalling sangat lambat, butuh beberapa detik untuk menurunkan scaling.
plus : Anti lag minus : sangat lambat untuk menurunkan frekuensi, gak bisa hemat battery
11. brazilianwax
Versi agresifnya dari Smartass, permintaan tinggi-rendahnya clock procie bisa lebih cepat
12. interactiveX
Versi tweak dari governor interaktif, biasanya ditambahakan fitur suspend/wake/deep idle. berguna untuk menyimpan daya tahan batere saat HH dalam keadaan screen off.
13. OndemandX
versi tweak dari governor OnDemand yang biasanya udah ditambahakan fitur wake/suspend/deep idle.
Tips menggunakan set cpu untuk menghemat penggunaan batere
1. Gunakan kernel yang disertai dengan berbagai macam governor.
2. Pada tab Main SetCPU gunakan :
Nilai Max = clock standard HH (contoh : Galmin = 600MHz, Gio = 800MHz, XMP = 1GHz). Kalo menggunakan nilai yang lebih kecil lagi (underclock) bisa menghemat batere, namun performa akan terasa sedikit "lag".
Nilai Min = clock terendah yang disupport oleh kernel yang anda gunakan, bisa 1xxMHz atau 2xxMHz
Scalling/governor = Smartass v2/smartass. (pada keadaan default biasa ondemand)
3. Pada tab profile, centang enable kemudian click add profile
pilihlah profile "screen off"
masukkan nilai max = 1xxMHz atau 2xxMHz dan nilai minimum = clock terkecil yg disupport kernel
scalling = smartass/powersave
priority = 100.
Biasanya daya tahan batere bisa meningkat, hal ini disebabkan oleh management penggunaan procie yang lebih baik pada saat screen on dan menggunakan clock procie yg lebih kecil pada saat screen off. (dalam keadaan default, besarnya clock procie yang digunakan dalam keadaan screen on sama dengan pada keadaan screen off.
Credit :
Jumat, 22 Februari 2013
Dragon City Pure Element Breeding Guide
Dragon City Pure Element Breeding Guide by Joao Mendonca
Ok, so this post is for all the pure dragons breedings!
I have made my gusses which so far are good!
We only have the Pure Dragon Breeding, you will now do Legendary+Legendary, Legendary + Crystal, Crystal + Mirror, etc. so we know there are more breedable forms!
Also, we will do Wind + Fire and Wind + Earth to get the other pure dragons!
If it doesn't work it's because it's Pure + Earth and Pure + Fire!
And you can do that for other elements, Pure + Dark, Legend + Electric/Dark, etc.
As you discover something post here please so I can update this first post and keep the guide available and useful to everyone!
Thank you very much
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Wind] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Mirror] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Crystal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Mirror + Mirror] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Mirror + Crystal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Mirror + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Crystal + Crystal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Crystal + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Legend + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Earth Dragon:[Pure + Earth] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Fire Dragon:[Pure + Fire] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Water Dragon:[Pure + Water] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Plant Dragon:[Pure + Plant] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Electric Dragon:[Pure + Electric] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Ice Dragon:[Pure + Ice] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Metal Dragon:[Pure + Metal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dark Dragon:[Pure + Dark] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Green = The Ones that are 100% proven!
(Note: 100% Proven to result in the respective pure dragon, not that you get 100% chance to get it)
Ok, so this post is for all the pure dragons breedings!
I have made my gusses which so far are good!
We only have the Pure Dragon Breeding, you will now do Legendary+Legendary, Legendary + Crystal, Crystal + Mirror, etc. so we know there are more breedable forms!
Also, we will do Wind + Fire and Wind + Earth to get the other pure dragons!
If it doesn't work it's because it's Pure + Earth and Pure + Fire!
And you can do that for other elements, Pure + Dark, Legend + Electric/Dark, etc.
As you discover something post here please so I can update this first post and keep the guide available and useful to everyone!
Thank you very much
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Wind] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Mirror] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Crystal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Wind + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Mirror + Mirror] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Mirror + Crystal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Mirror + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Crystal + Crystal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Crystal + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dragon:[Legend + Legend] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Earth Dragon:[Pure + Earth] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Fire Dragon:[Pure + Fire] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Water Dragon:[Pure + Water] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Plant Dragon:[Pure + Plant] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Electric Dragon:[Pure + Electric] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Ice Dragon:[Pure + Ice] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Metal Dragon:[Pure + Metal] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Pure Dark Dragon:[Pure + Dark] Breeding time: 48 hours - Hatching time: 48 hours
Green = The Ones that are 100% proven!
(Note: 100% Proven to result in the respective pure dragon, not that you get 100% chance to get it)
If you have pure and still dont have any pure elemental, and want them all, no matter the order, then breeding Pure + Hybrids will be good too!
Pure + Hybrid CombosFor Pure Earth Or Pure Fire:
Pure + Flaming Rock Dragon
Pure + Vulcano Dragon
For Pure Earth or Pure Water:
Pure + Mud Dragon
Pure + Waterfall Dragon
For Pure Earth or Pure Plant:
Pure + Tropical Dragon
Pure + Cactus Dragon
For Pure Earth or Pure Electric:
Pure + Star Dragon
Pure + Chameleon Dragon
For Pure Earth or Pure Ice:
No pure ice yet
For Pure Earth or Pure Metal:
Pure + Armadillo Dragon
For Pure Earth or Pure Dark:
Pure + Hedgehog Dragon
Pure + Venom Dragon
For Pure Fire or Pure Water:
Pure + Cloud Dragon
Pure + Blizzard Dragon
For Pure Fire or Pure Plant:
Pure + Firebird Dragon
Pure + Spicy Dragon
For Pure Fire or Pure Electric:
Pure + Laser Dragon
Pure + Hot Metal Dragon
For Pure Fire or Pure Ice:
No pure ice yet
For Pure Fire or Pure Metal:
Pure + Medieval Dragon
Pure + Steampunk Dragon
For Pure Fire or Pure Dark:
Pure + Vampire Dragon
Pure + Dark Fire Dragon
For Pure Water or Pure Plant:
Pure + Nenufar Dragon
Pure + Coral Dragon
For Pure Water or Pure Electric:
Pure + Lantern Fish Dragon
Pure + Storm Dragon
For Pure Water or Pure Ice:
No pure ice yet
For Pure Water or Pure Metal:
Pure + Mercury Dragon
Pure + Seashell Dragon
For Pure Water or Pure Dark:
Pure + Petroleum Dragon
Pure + Pirate Dragon
For Pure Plant or Pure Electric:
Pure + Gummy Dragon
For Pure Plant or Pure Ice:
No pure ice yet
For Pure Plant or Pure Metal:
Pure + Jade Dragon
Pure + Dragonfly Dragon
For Pure Plant or Pure Dark:
Pure + Carnivore Plant Dragon
Pure + Rattlesnake Dragon
For Pure Electric or Pure Ice:
No pure electric or pure ice yet
For Pure Electric or Pure Metal:
Pure + Battery Dragon
Pure + Gold Dragon
For Pure Electric or Pure Dark:
Pure + Neon Dragon
For Pure Ice or Pure Metal:
No pure ice yet
For Pure Ice or Pure Dark:
No pure ice yet
For Pure Metal or Pure Dark:
Pure + Zombie Dragon
For Pure Earth or Pure Water or Pure Dark:
Pure + Poo Dragon
Credit :
dragon city on facebook
Dragon City Breeding and Hatching List
Dragon City Breeding and Hatching List by DragonTamerXD
~The dragons listed below are in the order they were specified in the game. If you found any errors or would like to improve the content, please add a comment. (Please do not get confused about the breeding time and hatching time.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not intend to ignore the existing guides about breeding and breeding combinations. This is just a compilation of data i gathered in different websites including the game itself. I did not make this list myself. A couple of friends helped me including those friendly people i met in the facebook group i joined in.
A NOTE ON BREEDING TIME:The dragon breeding time depends on which of the two dragon's hatching time is longer. Example: If i breed Fire and Earth, since Fire has a hatching time of 30 seconds and Earth has a hatching time of 5 seconds whereas Fire's hatching time is longer, the breeding time will be 30 seconds respectively. All Breeding Times have been increased to be equal to the Hatching Time in a recent patch.
Earth Dragon (100 gold) (Selling Price: 50 gold) [Hatching Time: 5 secs]
Fire Dragon (100 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 50 gold) [Hatching Time: 30 secs]
Water Dragon (500 gold) (Selling Price: 250 gold) [Hatching Time: 5 mins]
Plant Dragon (15,000 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 100 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 hrs]
Electric Dragon (30,000 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 150 gold) [Hatching Time: 4 hrs]
Ice Dragon (75,000 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 375 gold) [Hatching Time: 1 hr]
Metal Dragon (250,000 gold) (Selling Price: 125,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 hrs]
Dark Dragon (500,000 gold) (Selling Price: 250,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 4 hrs]
Flaming Rock Dragon (25 gems) (Selling Price: 200 gold) [Hatching Time: 30 mins]
~The dragons listed below are in the order they were specified in the game. If you found any errors or would like to improve the content, please add a comment. (Please do not get confused about the breeding time and hatching time.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not intend to ignore the existing guides about breeding and breeding combinations. This is just a compilation of data i gathered in different websites including the game itself. I did not make this list myself. A couple of friends helped me including those friendly people i met in the facebook group i joined in.
Earth Dragon (100 gold) (Selling Price: 50 gold) [Hatching Time: 5 secs]
Fire Dragon (100 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 50 gold) [Hatching Time: 30 secs]
Water Dragon (500 gold) (Selling Price: 250 gold) [Hatching Time: 5 mins]
Plant Dragon (15,000 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 100 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 hrs]
Electric Dragon (30,000 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 150 gold) [Hatching Time: 4 hrs]
Ice Dragon (75,000 gold / gift) (Selling Price: 375 gold) [Hatching Time: 1 hr]
Metal Dragon (250,000 gold) (Selling Price: 125,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 hrs]
Dark Dragon (500,000 gold) (Selling Price: 250,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 4 hrs]
Flaming Rock Dragon (25 gems) (Selling Price: 200 gold) [Hatching Time: 30 mins]
- Fire + Earth [Breeding Time: 30 secs]
- Fire + Earth [Breeding Time: 30 secs]
- Earth + Water [Breeding Time: 5 mins]
- Earth + Water [Breeding Time: 5 mins]
- Fire + Water [Breeding Time: 5 mins]
- Fire + Water [Breeding Time: 5 mins]
- Earth + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Earth + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Fire + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Fire + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Water + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Water + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Earth + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Earth + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Water + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Water + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Fire + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Fire + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Earth + Ice [Breeding Time: 1 hr]
- Earth + Ice [Breeding Time: 1 hr]
- Ice + Water [Breeding Time: 1 hr]
- Ice + Water [Breeding Time: 1 hr]
- Ice + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Ice + Plant [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Ice + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Ice + Electric [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Fire + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Fire + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Water + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Water + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Plant + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Plant + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Electric + Metal [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Ice + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Electric + Metal [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Ice + Metal [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Earth + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Earth + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Fire + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Fire + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Plant + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Electric + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Ice + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Metal + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Plant + Dark [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
Poo Dragon (1,000 gems) (Selling Price: 250,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 15 hrs]
- Dark + Mud [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Dark + Waterfall [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Water + Hedgehog [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Hedgehog + Mud [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Hedgehog+ Waterfall [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Water + Venom [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Earth + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Hedgehog+ Petroleum [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Mud + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Mud + Venom [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Petroleum + Waterfall [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Petroleum + Venom [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Venom + Waterfall [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Earth + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Hedgehog + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Mud + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Pirate + Waterfall [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Pirate + Venom [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Legendary + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 2 days]
- Legendary + Pirate [Breeding Time: 2 days]
- Crystal + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 2 days]
- Crystal + Pirate [Breeding Time: 2 days]
- Mirror + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 2 days]
- Mirror + Pirate [Breeding Time: 2 days]
- Wind + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 2 days]
- Wind + Pirate [Breeding Time: 2 days]
Gummy Dragon (100 gems) (Selling Price: 50,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 8 hrs]
- Laser + Dandelion [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Fluorescent + Firebird [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Neon + Nenufar [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Lantern Fish + Rattlesnake [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Jade + Star [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Plant + Star [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Firebird + Star [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Laser + Dandelion [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Fluorescent + Firebird [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Alpine + Medieval [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Flaming Rock + Alpine [Breeding Time: 6 hrs]
- Cool Fire + Cool Fire [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Soccer + Soccer [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Laser + Dandelion [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Fluorescent + Firebird [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Alpine + Medieval [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Flaming Rock + Alpine [Breeding Time: 6 hrs]
- Cool Fire + Cool Fire [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Soccer + Soccer [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Jade + Star [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Alpine + Medieval [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Mud + Jade [Breeding Time: 1 hr]
- Zombie + Mud [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Neon + Nenufar [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Neon + Cloud [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Neon + Mud [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Zombie + Mud [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Neon + Lantern Fish [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Neon + Nenufar [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Lantern Fish + Rattlesnake [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Zombie + Mud [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Neon + Cloud [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
- Neon + Mud [Breeding Time: 2 hrs]
Legendary Dragon (2,500 gems) (Selling Price: 200,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 days]
Crystal Dragon (2,500 gems) (Selling Price: 200,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 days]
Wind Dragon (2,500 gems) (Selling Price: 200,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 days]
Mirror Dragon (2,500 gems) (Selling Price: 200,000 gold) [Hatching Time: 2 days]
- Cool Fire + Cool Fire [Breeding Time: 4 hrs]
- Gummy + Gummy [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Cool Fire + Gummy [Breeding Time: 8 hrs]
- Gummy + Armadillo [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Petroleum + Armadillo [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Cool Fire + Armadillo [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Soccer + Armadillo [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Armadillo + Armadillo [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Gummy + Soccer [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Cool Fire + Soccer [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Petroleum + Soccer [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Soccer + Soccer [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Cool Fire + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Gummy + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Petroleum + Petroleum [Breeding Time: 12 hrs]
- Cool Fire + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Gummy + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Soccer + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Armadillo + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Petroleum + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
- Pirate + Pirate [Breeding Time: 15 hrs]
dragon city on facebook
Dragon City Eggs List
Dragon City Eggs List by Lemon
Credit :
Each Dragon has their own Unique Egg
Each Containing their Offspring
Here Are the Eggs to Know if you got the Dragon you want
Help me grow this Library By sending me screenshots of them
Each Dragon has their own Unique Egg
Each Containing their Offspring
Here Are the Eggs to Know if you got the Dragon you want
Help me grow this Library By sending me screenshots of them
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dragon city on facebook
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