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Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

21 Trik Keyboard di Windows 7

Spoiler for aero shortcut:
Trik Aero Shortcuts

[Windows] + [Spacebar]
Anda akan melihat dekstop dan membuat semua menjadi transparan. Hal ini akan sama jika kursor mouse ada di pojok kanan bawah layar.

[Windows] + [D]
Menuju Deskto tanpa banyak basa basi.. tekan 2x maka akan kembali ke worksheet awal sebelum ke desktop

[Windows] + [Home]
Minimize semua kecuali windows yang kita select

[Windows] + Arah Kiri / Arah Kanan
Fungsinya seperti rata kanan atau rata kiri jendela aktif

[Windows] + Arah atas atau [Windows] + arah bawah
Maximize atau minimize

[Windows] + [Tab]
Ini yang paling asik.. membuat worksheet menjadi 3D

[Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Tag] + Tombol kiri/kanan/atas/bawah
Flip window. Bisa bikin temen stress nih

[Alt] + [Tab]
Biasa sih ini mah

[Windows] + [T] atau [Windows] + [SHIFT] + [T]
Efek ini sama seperti ketika arahkan mouse pada taskbar aktif yang ada di samping tombol windows

[Windows] + [ B ]
Memfokus tombol “show hidden icons” di system tray.

[Windows] + [1] hingga [9] atau [Windows] + [SHIFT] + [1] hingga [9]
sama seperti mengklik icon yang ada di taskbar (samping tombol windows) urutannya 1,2,3,4…..9

[Windows] + [Ctrl] + [1] hingga [9]
Membuka program yang ada di taskbar dengan waktu yang sama.

[Windows] + [Alt] + [1] hingga [9]
sama seperti kita klik kanan di icon taskbar

Spoiler for multiple monitors:
Multiple Monitors[/b]

[Windows] + [P]
Mode Screen. biasanya berguna untuk presentasi menggunakan projector

Spoiler for magnifer:

[Windows] + [+] atau [Windows] + [-]
Mengaktifkan menu Magnifier untuk men-zoom windows

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D]
Memperbesar dengan mode dock

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [L]
Memperbesar seperti mode Loop

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F]
Full Screen Mode on sob

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [i]
Invert colors.

[Windows] + [Esc]

[Windows] + [G]
Melihat gadget

[Windows] + [X]
Menjalankan Windows Mobility Center

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Counter Strike : Point Blank Full + Map Point Blank

Siapa yang tidak tahu Point Blank ? mungkin diantara kita yang jarang main ke Game online masih terasa "asing" dengan kata Point Blank . namun bagi anda yang ingin memainkan point blank , tapi terkendala waktu untuk pergi ke warnet , atau mungkin spesifikasi komputer yang masih kurang tidak usah berkecil hati dulu . kali ini saya akan menshare game Counter Strike dengan mod Point Blank .

Yaa meskipun tidak semirip asli PB , tapi bisa dibilang game ini sudah 75 persen mirip Point Blank . pokoknya yang pengen ngelatih skill bermainnya , download deh Game ini , dijamin gak kecewa !

Screenshot :

System Requirement :

- Minimun System Requirement :
  • 500 mhz processor
  • 96mb ram
  • 16mb video card
  • Windows 2000/XP/ME/SE
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Internet Connection

- Recommended System Requirement :
  • 800 mhz processor
  • 128mb ram
  • 32mb+ video card
  • Windows 2000/XP
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Internet Connection

Tutorial Extract + Cara Masuk kedalam Game :
Original Tutorial by Fattah Naim

  • Join file hasil download menggunakan HJ-SPLIT | Download Here
  • Setelah di Join , akan ada file berbentuk .rar
  • Klik kanan , Extract here
  • Setelah proses extract selesai , buka foldernya , dan klik PBLauncher.exe (bisa memilih mode Deathmatch atau Normal Bomb Mission)
  • Tunggu sampai masuk kedalam game
  • Jika sudah , Klik Create Room

Serial Number - CD Key


Link Download :

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Link from bhily-KASKUS

untuk link part 2 , bisa kok . saya sudah coba

Status Game + File :

Status for Virus : Clean 100%
Status for Test : Windows XP (SP3) - Work
Total Filesize : 903 MB (Setelah Extract)


Karena ini menggunakan sistem Inventory , maka cara nya seperti ini :
  • Masuk kedalam game , dan pilih senjata yang diinginkan (tekan saja T saat berada di markas)
  • Pilih senjata yang banyak . contohnya dengan membeli assault rifle , 2 macam senjata atau 3 . lalu submachingun 3 macam , pokoknya terserah (ingat , saat kalian memilih senjata senjata itu , senjata tidak akan muncul , namun ada tulisan semacam list nama senjata apasaja yang kalian pilih tadi)
  • Setelah memilih sampai puas , silahkan exit game dengan tekan tombol Esc , Log Out , Yes
  • Setelah exit , masuk kembali kedalam game (klik PBLauncher.exe)
  • Untuk memakai senjata yang telah kita pilih , klik saja T pada keyboard saat berada di markas , dan Pilih Inventory .
  • Pilih aja senjata yang kalian inginkan
  • Happy Fun!


Thanks to


Luxville Series

Crackdown Series
8 vs 8, 16 vs 16
Special! Bomb Defuse and Hostage Rescue

M-Station Series

de_misttrain map

New Counter Strike Map List

Dm_Crackdown (Optimized for Higher FPS
Dm_Crackdown_AWP (Optimized for Higher FPS
Dm_Crackdown_M3 (Optimized for Higher FPS
Gg_Crackdown (Optimized for Higher FPS
Cs_Crackdown (Optimized for Higher FPS
De_Crackdown (Optimized for Higher FPS


Mart Series
Counter Strike map: Mart Series

Tutorial Menambah Map Counter Strike

  • Download , dan extract file nya
  • Terdapat folder . buka saja
  • copy semua file yang ada di folder maps , dan pastekan di folder counter strike kalian . cstrike/maps
  • begitu juga folder lainnya
  • untuk file berformat .wad , taruh saja di folder cs utama

source :

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Menghapus Nero Scout

Salah satu hal yang menjengkelkan saat menginstall Nero 7 ialah ikut terinstallnya Nero Scout. Sebenarnya kalau cuma ikut terinstall gak masalah, yang jadi masalah, program ini akan selalu bekerja dan muncul di di system tray (toolbar di sebelah kanan) jika komputer dinyalakan. Selain itu, Nero Scout juga akan menjalan NmBgMonitor.exe and NMFirstStart.exe secara background. Sebagai catatan NmBgMonitor.exe and NMFirstStart.exe bukan merupakan spyware apalagi virus. Dan ironisnya tool ini tidak akan dapat dihilangkan menggunakan RegEdit sekalipun. Lalu?

Nero Scout merupakan tool bawaan dari Nero 7 yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengindex keberadaan file media di sebuah komputer seperti mp3, video, dan gambar yang akan ditaruh di sebuah database untuk keperluan program Nero. Hal ini nantinya akan mempermudah pengguna dalam memilih file saat mengakses program Nero.

Untuk menonaktifkan tool ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara klik ikon My Computer. Klik kanan ikon Nero Scout dan pilih Options. Lalu uncheck opsi untuk Enable Nero Scout.

Lalu restart komputernya. Apabila masalah ini masih muncul coba dengan cara lain. Ketik perintah di bawah ini pada bagian run
regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\MediaLibraryNSE.dll"

Lalu restart komputer

Selamat Mencoba!

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Advanced JPEG Compressor v2012 Full Crack

Awal tahun memang banyak sekali pihak pengembang yang melakukan update software, tak terkecuali dengan software yang bernama Advanced JPEG Compressor, sekarang sudah ada versi terbarunya, yakni Advanced JPEG Compressor v2012 Full Crack.

Advanced JPEG Compressor 2012
Advanced JPEG Compressor adalah salah satu software yang berfungsi untuk melakukan kompresi file image, khusunya untuk format jpeg. Dengan menggunakan Advanced JPEG Compressor, anda dapat melakukan kompresi file jpeg tanpa mengurangi kualitas dari gambar aslinya. Salah satu software yang paling saya andalkan.

Password :
Download Advanced JPEG Compressor v2012 Full Crack |

credit :

Your Uninstaller Pro v7.4.2012.01 Full Serial

Siapa disini yang menggunakan Your Uninstaller untuk melakukan uninstall software?? Sekarang sudah ada versi terbarunya, sudah di update belum?? Kalau belum, langsung aja di update dan download Your Uninstaller Pro v7.4.2012.01 Full Serial.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, Your Uninstaller Pro merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan proses uninstall software sampai ke akar-akarnya, sehingga proses uninstall pun menjadi lebih bersih.

Your Uninstaller Pro

Features Your Uninstaller Pro v7.4.2012.01 :

  • Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove Program.
  • Advanced Uninstall mode to fix Microsoft Installer problems.
  • System wide scan for unused files and registry keys after normal uninstall.
  • Hunter mode uninstall, hunts the programs and kill/uninstall/delete them.
  • Groups installed applications with various groups.
  • Never uninstall "must have" applications. (options)
  • Shows all applications installed on your computer with different views.
  • Uninstalls screen savers.
  • Built-in Disk Cleaner helps you find and remove unnecessary files on your disk to save space and make computer faster!
  • Built-in Trace Eraser removes surfing traces so no one knows your hobby.
  • Built-in IE Context Menu Cleaner cleans the context menu of Internet Explorer.
  • Built-in take full control of Window startups.
  • Built-in helps you keep your Start Menu clean.
  • Backup and restore installed-applications.
  • Powerful "Type and Go" search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall.
  • Detect invalid installations and remove them with one click.
  • Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry(care to use!).
  • Quickload mode loads programs extremely fast.
  • Give detailed report about any installed applications.
  • Export programs list to file or printer.
Password :
Download Your Uninstaller Pro v7.4.2012.01 Full Serial
credit :

IDM 6.08 Build 9 Full Patch

Internet Download Manager News atau yang biasa di sapa dengan IDM, sekarang sudah tersedia versi terbaru, yakni IDM 6.08 Build 9 Full Patch. Buat yang ingin melakuakn update, silahkan aja langsung di cek,,

What's new in version 6.08 build 9?

  • Added support for new types of video streaming sites

Cara aktivasi IDM 6.08 Build 9 :

  1. Bila anda sudah terinstall IDM versi sebelumnya, close dalu. Selanjutnya install IDM yang versi terbaru.
  2. Selesai install, nanti akan ada pesan kurang lebih yang berisi "fake serial number". Tenang aja, itu wajar,, hehe. Di close aja.
  3. Copy dan paste file patch ke folder tempat anda menginstall IDM. Misal : C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager (untuk pengguna windows 64bit).
  4. Klik kanan file patch, run as administrator.
  5. Klik patch, masukan nama anda.
  6. Selesai!! Kini IDM 6.08 Build 9 anda sudah full version kembali.
  7. Jangan lupa delete file patch nya kalau sudah selesai melakukan patching. (File patch di anggap Virus ..!!)
Password :
Download IDM 6.08 Build 9 Full Patch

Gangster Miami Vindication hidden Wheels and Surfboards

Here are the locations of the hidden wheels and surfboards


Click image for larger version  Name: f2b11ee0.jpg Views: 147 Size: 45.3 KB ID: 23579 Click image for larger version  Name: 1511775d.jpg Views: 108 Size: 46.0 KB ID: 23580

Name:  help.png Views: 649 Size:  87.3 KB

I already took the wheel so you can't see it but it's where i'm looking at. You have to get a helicopter and land on the tribune or park a car against it and jump from the car onto it.

Click image for larger version  Name: 61192368.jpg Views: 121 Size: 31.8 KB ID: 23679 Click image for larger version  Name: 329ce259.jpg Views: 50 Size: 59.5 KB ID: 23680

What You Will Unlock
Click image for larger version  Name: Image.png Views: 338 Size: 217.0 KB ID: 23563
Name:  IMG_1019.jpg Views: 751 Size:  12.8 KB
Name:  IMG_1020.jpg Views: 706 Size:  12.9 KB Name:  IMG_1024.jpg Views: 699 Size:  13.3 KB


Click image for larger version  Name: f32920f9.jpg Views: 40 Size: 53.6 KB ID: 23683 Click image for larger version  Name: 0392b0c9.jpg Views: 33 Size: 52.6 KB ID: 23684

What you will unlock

Ipod & android Game Gangster Miami Vindication Cheats and Tips

Taxi Driver.
This is your basic taxi driver mission. Find a taxi, hop in and start taking fares. You will need to drive fast and DONT wreck your car as it will decrease your speed by a great deal. Get 10 fares in a row and get the `Taxi Driver!` achievement.

For this mission you'll need the food delivery car which is basically a modified W4C with a burger on it. hop in and deliver the foods. 10 foods in a row = `Fast Fast Food` achievement.

This mission requires an ambulance. You can usually find one near a hospital, so get in and start saving lives. DONT run over the people you're trying to save and, once again, DONT wreck your car unless you want to fail the mission. 10 people saved in a row = `Sick Ride!` achievement.

To start any of the side missions, tap the walkie-talkie icon below the radio display.




Nuff said. Beat the crap out of anybody, be it a granny or a SWAT soldier: the 3-hit combo can do wonders. No armor resists the power of the fists, meaning that the FBI and SWAT officers will be just as easy to take down as a civilian despite having loads of armor on them.

Baseball bat

A much deadlier version of the fists. Hard wood to the jaw takes care of anything, including non-armoured vehicles


cheap and effective, the pistol is a perfect tool for taking down any enemy. Non-armoured people take 3 direct shots to take down while heavily armoured enemied such as SWAT team members take up to 6 shots to kill. The handgun can be dual-wielded, which not only looks bad-ass but doubles the rate of fire of these semi-automatic demons. Decent range and accuracy, but not recommended for use without taking cover due to the low rate of fire. Take cover first!


How about firing off thousands of rounds per minute without spending much money? Sounds bad-ass, sure, but despite the amazingly fast rate of fire, the minimal (I REPEAT -MINIMAL!) damage and awful accuracy even at mid-range, the UZIs are not recommended to use at all unless you just enjoy the fast rate of fire and the fact that the SWAT officer has taken a couple thousand shots but is still standing there. Dual wielding might increase your chances but, just use the twin .45s instead.



This one is supposed to be extremely deadly, right? Its two handed and looks bad-ass and it's a shotgun dangit! But, well, it's not deadly unless you're standing 2 steps away from your enemy and it's a granny. The shotgun is surprisingly dissappointing in this game. It takes 3 shots at close range to take down a regular civilian, and God knows how many to take down someone armoured. Unless you're standing 1 step away from your enemy, you'll be firing and firing. It's also almost as expensive as an AK-47. Slow rate of fire, awful accuracy at mid-range and large spread make this a useless weapon. Some peoples farts are deadlier than this thing. Don't use it.
vi) Assault Rifle (AK-47)

One of the deadliest weapons in the game. Fires off the unrealistic 64 round clip at the speed of light (well, at the speed of a machine gun xD), with fairly good accuracy in close to mid range and REALLY, REALLY impressive damage which is equal to that of the pistol. Imagine you were firing off 4 pistols at the same time and it would look more badass. You would get the AK-47. The price of 1125 bucks is nothing compared to the awesomeness of taking down 4 SWAT members in the matter of seconds. Get it. Use it. Love it.

Sniper rifle

this is a very fun weapon. One shot one kill, no matter the armor on the enemy. 3 shots take down most of the vehicles in the game. Its very long range and DEAD accurate and does massive damage BUT, only use it at long range unless you're a ninja guru with lighning fast reflexes. Low rate of fire, only 5 rounds per clip, the fact that its hard to aim and an impressive cost of 1875 bucks (550 more than the AK47) make this a non effective weapon in close quarters combat. if you're far away from your enemies though, no weapon can match this one. It's also great for demolishing any vehicle faster than most weapons in the game. Find a nice sniper spot and enjoy the show. Find a group of SWAT soldiers and curse for 15 seconds while you try to aim before dying miserably.


It may be thrown a couple meters away and explode. If you need a thrown killing machine, get this little one. It will annihilate anyone if thrown correctly and if you dont mind the 4 seconds of delay before the big boom and the 300$ price tag.

Its just as deadly to people as the grenade, but not as effective against vehicles. No fuse time and low price of 90$ only make this weapon a better choice if you're not destroying vehicles.


Well this certainly LOOKS heavy and awesome at the same time. Seriously though, dont mind the high price tag of 1.5 grand and get this gun. It'll make roastbeefs out of anything in a matter of seconds ( vehicles and people dont stand a chance) Its the 1000x better version of the molotov, let's just say that. The fuel tank lasts for about 15 seconds and reloading takes minimum time. Saving up for an RPG? Don't, get this bad boy instead. Despite low range, this gun is bad-ass.


The ultimate machine of destruction. One propelled grenade out of this tube of armageddon takes down anything and anyone in its path. The ONLY thing in the entire game that requires 2 rounds to be blown away is the heavily armoured SWAT truck. The high price tag is the only thing that should stop you from getting this. But if you get it, then nothing can stop you. You are the conqueror of the game. Until you run out of ammo, that is. Decent rate of fire, ANNIHILATING damage and spread effect make this one of the best weapons that the player can have.


Unlimited ammo. No price tag. Rate of fire of about 3000 rounds per minute and astonishingly awesome damage. Although this gun is only mounted on the police helicopter, it's the best gun in the game. You can take down anything in seconds and it doesnt cost you a dollar! Auto-lock on human enemies and only 5-6 bullets to take down any vehicle, even the `bullet-proof` SWAT truck. Once you get your hands on a police chopper, use this bad dude to the full extent. In other words = make armageddon come early.



Well, its, umm, a camera. And it does nothing. You can take snapshots, but they dont seem to be saved anywhere, which makes this thing completely useless.




This is the biggest and second slowest boat in the game (the first slowest being the Floating point hovercraft), and although it is pretty huge and slow, its also more resistant than the other boats in the game.


This is one of the fastest boats in the game, and its also cool looking with stripes on most of its paintjobs. Its not resistant to gunfire though, and deforms fairly quickly if crashed into something.

Sea gar

The fastest and most manueverable boat in the game. It has a spoiler and accelerates so fast that you'll start seeing blur all over the place in the first 3 seconds. Same resistance as the Feresa boat, but less noticeable deformity from crashes. Usually comes in multi-colour paintjobs.

one of the fastest thing in the game!


Tawny 40o

This is one of the ugliest and slowest 4 door car in the game. It's not resistant to gun fire either while being pretty unappealing and plain. A SWAT truck can outrun it. Don't use it unless you wanna go blind from the awfulness.


Good ol' yellow cab. This is the vehicle that activates the taxi driver mission and gets you fares. Other than that, its fairly average, but better than the SUVs and that lousy Tawny piece of crap. It's based off of the W4C car, which I'll write about later.

This is the car that activates the Fast Fast Food delivery mission. Same properties as the TAXI as this one's also based off of W4C car. Average speed, resistance, but awesome looks.


Again, same properties as the previous two as this one is ALSO based off this W4C car. Pretty average if you ask me. But looks pretty modern. Perfect for Doughnut consumation.

W4C sedan

THIS IS the car which the other 3 vehicles were based off of. Looks the same, an average sedan, single coloured, average speed, resistance and handling. Perfect car for civilians. Not for chases or shootouts. Not at all.


This is the truck that activates the Paramedic mission. Other than that, its a slow piece of crap, BUT it has one advantage: SOMETIMES its strong enough to take on an RPG round without exploding in your face (depends on distance)
vii) BOX ES

The most disgusting, rusty, slow and wide-turning car in the game. It looks perfect for gang bangers and junkies to be living in, but definitely feels slow and just awful to drive. You could sprint faster than this car accelerates and turn 10000x faster, because this thing cannot turn it seems. Very, VERY bad handling. One rusty paintjob. The speed of a turtle. Stay clear of this thing.


Just like the BOBCAT from the Grand Theft Auto series. Fairly fast for a semi-truck, and the `horns` on the roof make it look bad-ass. Wide turning range is no problem with this one as it looks good and is fairly fast, as well as resistant to damage (not bullets).

A pretty good offroader, but the smooth edges, kinda low top speed and wide turning radius make this car less appealing than a Homm (clone of Hummer H2 in the game). It's like if you buy a Land Rover, you wish you could have the Range Rover. You jack this one - You wish it was a Homm instead.


NOW THIS is what I call an offroader. Rough edges, multi-colour painjob, the jumpiness of a 70's muscle car and a great deal of power to move this beast at high speed. Resistant to crash damage, fast, bad-ass looking. All you would expect from a Hummer H2 is in this one too. It's ramming time!

Well, this is what it is - a limousine. Long, slow, wide turning radius and not particularily resistant to damage. But if you're in the limo, you're the king. You feel like the king. This car is worth jacking just because it looks so charismatic and well, silvery. Get it for the looks. Other than that, it's nothing special AT ALL.


This is the muscle car from the 70's we all love so much. It has the drift, the bouncy feeling, the raging motor roar and the speed. Everything we love so much about muscle cars is in this car. EXCEPT....


...THE LOOKS. This is still SORRAIA, sure, but it's slightly modified and that paintjob is the winner. Still fast, still bouncy, but somehow 1000x better. Drive this beast anyday.


An old-fashioned car from the 50s-60s, which looks pretty amazing and drives like a hot rod: roaring motor, fast speed and really good turning range. This looks surprisingly similar, almost identical to the car from Mafia II. The ones of you who played it will understand what I'm talking about. The luxury old-fashioned look alone make it worthwhile. Be warned though - it's not so resistant to crash nor guns damage.


This is one of the fastest and most fragile cars in the game. It's a race/super car which comes in pink with white stripes or green with white stripes. It's Extremely fast and well-tuned, so it handles easily and goes at the speed of light. It resembles the dodge viper in a way. Get it for the spirit of Miami and the lightning speed along with great handling.


This is an entry from the germans in the supercar market of the game. Lightning fast speed and great smooth handling along with abit extra resistance to crash damage make this one of the best cars of the game. Closely resembles any of the Porsche supercars. Comes in silver and black along with a few other colors.


One of the best, if not the best, cars in the entire game. Lightning fast (the fastest, in fact), great handling with the capacity to DRIFT xD and... extreme fragileness against all sorts of damage. Bump into something at top speed - half the car will look like it's fresh from a massive shootout. But this obvious Lamborghini Gallardo clone looks BEAUTIFUL and handles just as well. Not jacking it is a crime. Comes in blue and yellow colour schemes.

Police detour and FBI rancher

Those are the two police vehicles other than the police car. The police detour has the same properties as the Grand Detour (see above) which includes resistance to damage and heavy weight, and the FBI rancher has increased resistance to gunfire AND it looks pretty awesome with the shiny FBI logo on it. These two vehicles ma only be jacked directly from the police during 3 or 4 star wanted levels (for the detour and FBI rancher respectively) and dont appear in any other place on the map. So they are pretty rare, but they have not so many special properties, as opposed to....


Fat Damsel

This is the only chopper bike in the game and DANGIT does it look awesome. Shiny detailed motor, double exhausts and the roaring sound of the powerful engine. This one has a pretty special property for a chopper: easy wheelies and stoppies can be done on it. Comes mostly with the american flag colour scheme, but the rare black version is also available. Found a black one? Enjoy the feeling of a rare vehicle. Get this is you love choppers like I do


It is what it is. The Sanchez from the GTA series is back! The ultimate dirtbike: Not fast, but tricky: burnouts, wheelies, stoppies, 360s and tire-burn circles xD are no match for this stunting beast. Closely resembles the Yamaha dirtbikes. Often appears at the swamps.


This is the games racing bike. It has it all: the mind-blowing speed (fastest bike in the game), wheelies and stoppies, and if you turn at high speed, you'll lie on the ground like a paper cutout. This bikes handling is hindered a bit because of its extremely high speed and acceleration, but if you like racing bikes, get this one. Comes in various colour schemes including a rare vinyl painted one. Closely resembles the NRG900 from the GTA series.



This is one of the two helicopters in the game. It can fly (DUH) and it is the fastest way to get around the city and the only way (pretty much) to get on ANY rooftop you want. Wanna see the city from high above or snipe some pedestrians? This is the way. Resembles the Maverick from the GTA series. Can be found on some rooftops and helipads all around the city. Always spawns on top of Hospitals (the roofs of which are enterable by the blue icon you see on the pic above).

SPECIAL VEHICLES (special properties/rare vehicles etc.)

FLOATING POINT (hovercraft)

This is the only vehicle in the game that is able to both ride the highways and sail the waters of Miami. Despite being slow and fragile, its VERY, VERY satisfying to dive into water and swim away from the police, who are desperately trying to stop before drowning their vehicles in the sea.
Whereabouts: This unique vehicle can be found at the SWAMPS anytime (along with most of other boats)


This is the only heavily-armoured vehicle in the game. It's very resistant to gunfire and can take an RPG round without blowing up. It looks really attractive and brutal with the rough edges and armour plates all around it. Besides, it's easy to control and very fast for such a heavy piece of machinery. Give the police your version of `tactical response` with this beast.
*Whereabouts: The truck can be stolen in the last mission of the game, although it's very hard to do, you'll get the special version of the truck to play around with which is COMPLETELY IMPERVIOUS TO ALL GUNFIRE, RPG and other EXPLOSIVES, as well as being fully protected from fire and crash damage.
ALTERNATIVELY, you can steal the truck from SWAT team once you get a 5 star wanted level and they come after you. This version is not completely invincible, but its still the most heavily armoured vehicle in the game and VERY resistant to gunfire and crash damage, as well as having the protection to withstand a direct hit from an RPG-7. Besides, you get the awesome looking black armour plates all around this beast.


This is the most special vehicle in this game I might say. Not only it is able to fly at high speeds and attitudes, but it's only found in certain places in the city and this is THE ONLY VEHICLE that posesses great firepower: a 6 barelled minigun is mounted on the front of this bird, which means that you're basically invincible while flying this thing. The minigun has unlimited ammo and never overheats so you can shoot continuously, and it annihilates any living thing in a single round, while all the other vehicles are blown up from about 10 rounds (with the exception of the SWAT truck and the Ambulance which take slightly more hits to catch fire). Can't wait to use this chopper to kill some feds? Well here's where you find it:

LOCATION 1: its located in a cornfield in the countryside area of the city. You will need a chopper to land there as the heli is on high grass.

If you can't find it there, just run around the corn field and it will eventually spawn.

LOCATION 2: It can be found on the helipad, on the rooftop of the Bullet Time in the lower left side of the map.

To get to the helipad, go to the back side of the shop and climb the boxes there. From the boxes, get to the trash bin and finally, jump to the emergency exit staircase from there. Go up the stairs and voila, there you are.
If the chopper doesnt spawn, run around the roof and look at the helipad again - it will be there.

LOCATION 3: Finally, the armed chopper can be found on the rooftop of a police station near a big swimming pool.

To get to the roof, use an ordinary chopper which I'm sure you can find on the various hospital and other rooftops and helipads around town.

Hope this was helpful