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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Bug / Cheat Kari Gumi Honor Badge Trick | Dsc + Pic + Video

Today, Bug Found on Ninja Saga Update New Districk Unlocked. Ok Just Follow this Step And Collect Kari Gumi Honor Badge for Easy. Without using Heart Of kari and Crystal of Kari. Share it Guys ....

  1. Go to Ninja Saga 
  2. Use "Special Xmas [Hacked] | Ninja Saga December"
    (Optional :D just for make it easy ...)
  3. The 1st, Do not Go to Event ... Go to Hunting House !!!!
  4. Just Kill A Boss >> Then share the material
    (this not Kari Gumi honor Badge, but required to share it ... )
  5. After you sahre, Now got to Event >> Use Special Battle "Districk 3"
  6. Kill The Boss >> Share the Material  -----> This is the Kari Gumi honor Badge .!
    (Kari Honor Badge no have description, see The Map Tutorial !)
Click Image to Enlarge .. !!

NB: This Just A Bug, Don't Waiting Until get Patched ... !!!
Credit :

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Cara Menjalankan File Aplikasi Android (.APK) di Windows

Apa kabar sobat?
Wah.. udah lama banget ya gue gak mosting.. haha.. entahlah.. akhir akhir ini gue lagi males banget nulis nih.. mungkin gara gara kesibukan kuliah juga yang masih semester 1, masih ribet2 nya.. eh tapi gak tau juga deh entar semester 2 masih ribet apa kaga.. hahaha..

oke deh, sekarang gue mau sharing satu software untuk Windows agar bisa ngejalanin aplikasi Android yang berekstensi .apk, nah nama softwarenya adalah YouWave For Android.

Cara pengingstallannya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Pertama tama Download dulu software dan crack an nya. (link ada di bawah postingan)
  • Lalu install di PC/Laptop anda, usahakan tidak ada software virtualbox yang terinstall di PC/laptop anda, kalau sudah terlanjur ada, bisa di uninstall lewat control panel.
  • Install seperti biasa, setelah itu tunggu.
  • Setelah Proses penginstalan selesai, jangan di buka dulu. Ekstrak crackan yang sudah di download tadi. lalu copy file YouWave_Android.exe ke folder penginstallan YouWave barusan. (Default: C:/Program Files/YouWave_Android)
  • Replace File? pilih YES

Cara menggunakannya:

  • Pertama tama kita akan melihat 2 jendela, jendela kiri adalah file file .apk yang mau diinstall dan jendela sebelah kanan adalah virtual dari android tersebut.
  • Untuk menambahkan file nya caranya klik menu file - path to apps, lalu pilih folder dimana file .apk tersebut berada lalu klik open.
  • Apabila ingin menginstall caranya cukup mudah, hanya klik 2 kali file .apk nya, lalu akan ada progress bar disebelah kanan atas jendela kiri dan file pun akan terinstall lalu langsung membukanya di jendela virtual.
Yang cukup membuat gue tercengang adalah fitur nya yang mirip banget kayak HH android, mulai dari notification yang bisa ditarik dari atas ke bawah.

Sampai menu menu nya yang bisa di jadikan shortcut hanya dengan klik lalu tahan.

Jadi berasa Punya HH Android.. Hahaha...
Penasaran mau coba?
Langsung saja yuk, ini link download nya:

YouWave For Android (101.35 MB) [Download]
YouWave For Android Crack (1.44 MB) [Download] [Update: 26 Agustus 2012] Maaf baru sempet di re-upload :)

Tested Di Windows XP SP 2 by Aditya Janata P.
Buat yang lain ditunggu Review nya ya :)

Terima kasih

NOTE: Matikan FireWall apabila software tidak bisa dijalankan atau hanya menampilkan blank screen.

Special Thanks

UPDATE 15 November 2012

YouWave for Android sekarang udah rilis untuk yang versi 2.3.4 loh, download [disini]
Untuk Crackan nya bisa didownload [disini]

Selamat Mencoba :) 
Credit :

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Tap Sonic (Love Ritmo Theme) New APK + songs

This is new TapSonic APK cracked by Wolfhack (so credit goes to him), this new APK (based on 1.0.6 btw) promises to give more songs than the other one by CzBiX (as you know, CzBiX stopped crack this game because of the developer contacted him and told him to stop doin it) and this APK is still in development, so not so many new songs added till now.
There will be a chance to add new songs from other updates, and maybe one day we can even make our songs for this game (there is still pattern problem though :/, but wolfhack is working on it, hope he can do it)

so, here it's, btw I forgot what songs have been added, or maybe there aren't any new songs in this version *seriously i forgot to compare the songs from previous and this one LOL

1. Download the APK, install it
2. Extract the song pack, and you will get .tapsonic folder, copy it to your sdcard
3. Extract the 3 additional songs to .tapsonic folder, just replace it
4. Extract root file, using the root explorer (your device must be rooted), copy it to /data/data/
 5. I'll post new songs pack, whoever want to try to edit the database of the tracks, can use my songs pack :D, but I don't guarantee it'll works :D

additional song pack, not included in database, edit by yourself if you can :D

Tutorial vid :

No sound problem fix? *thanks to Suhandy*

No further news about Tapsonic release, kindly wait for it :)
Credit :

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga

Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat christmas 2012 ninja saga, hack event the rise of  kagemusa, all in shop ninja saga feature, you have full damage and god mode for mission, if you FREE usher get EMBLEM + token free so you will use mission christmas emblem usher. and get material district 3 seal scrol, for pet shika christmas you need district 2 seal scrol + kari gumi honor badge, how to get kari gumi honor badge : this reward for ninja who helped karigumi. 
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga how to use :

1. Download fiddler and swf below
2. Open fiddler and darg file swf to fiddler
3. Clear cache browse and open ninja saga
4. Go to shop
5. If you FREE usher Buy EMBLEM + 2K for mission christmas (emblem usher)
6. Buy ten tails jinchurichi mod (god mode) for easy mission

Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Collect district 2 seal scrol + kari gumi honor badge, Exchange kinjutsu and PET SHIKA Christmas 2012
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Cheat Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa Ninja Saga
Tutorial Video Cheat Christmas 2012

DOWNLOAD file SWF Christmas 2012 The Rise of Kagemusa

Copy Link and Paste To the new bar In Your Browser
skip ads (wait 5 sec)
File Swf Cheat Christmas 2012
pass rar : cheat-afrix 
Credit :

Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013 Working

Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013 Working
Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013 Working
Atm exp Ninja Saga 2013, for leveling instant mission and cheat gold ninja saga, cheat atm exp/xp use fiddler and file swf, if you want open cheat atm exp you must need pass and i will give you the pass, how to use cheat atm exp 2013 ninja saga :
tools : FIDDLER

1. Download Fiddler and file SWF (below)
2. Open fiddler and darg file SWF to fiddler
3. Clear cache browse and open ninja saga
4. Go to headquarters

Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013 Working
Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013 Working
Tutorial Video  Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013

Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013 Working
Credit : Cheat-Afrix/TheReiko
DOWNLOAD file SWF below

Copy Link and Paste To the new bar In Your Browser
skip ads (wait 5 sec)
File SWF Cheat ATM Exp Ninja Saga 2013
Credit :

Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

Cara Meremote / Mengontrol Android + Baca Kirim SMS dari Komputer | Airdroid

Ditulis oleh Zatyabajaitem Cara Meremote / Mengontrol Android + Baca Kirim SMS dari Komputer | Airdroid Tentang cara meremote android melalui komputer, cara kontrol hp android lewat komputer, cara hack smartphone android lewat wifi, cara install aplikasi Android dari komputer, aplikasi hack android lewat komputer / laptop, cara kirim SMS android di komputer, cara remot HP android via komputer, cara mengontrol smartphone Android melalui komputer wifi, cara sms hp android dengan pc, cara kendali handphone android, cara mengontrol hp orang lain pada android, cara kontrol game android melalui hp lain, cara membuka sms dari hp android di pc, cara hack android lewat hotspot wifi. Penasaran? cekidot..

rating 5

Zatyabajaitem akan memberikan tutorial, bagaimana cara meremote HP Android kita lewat komputer. Bagi yang malas mau membuka HP android, aplikasi ini sangat cocok digunakan. (wkwkwkw,, hadehh..mau buka HP aja males, suram)
Nama aplikasi Androidnya adalah Airdroid.

Syarat yang diperlukan:
- HP android dengan OS 2.3 ke atas
- Aplikasi Airdroid.
- Terhubung dengan Wifi Internet / Hotspot

Manfaat software Airdroid jika diinstal di Android:
- Smartphone Android dapat diremote lewat komputer.
- Dapat kirim dan baca SMS lewat komputer.
- Dapat memutar musik yang ada di HP tapi diputar di komputer / Video juga.
- Dapat install aplikasi Android lewat komputer.
- Dapat mengetahui phonebook di HP Android lewat komputer.
- Dapat membuka photo yang ada di Android lewat komputer lewat jaringan Wifi.
- Dapat mengetahui Call Logs HP Android lewat komputer.
- dll

Berikut cara mengontrol / meremote HP Android lewat komputernya.

1. Yang pertama download dulu aplikasi Airdroidnya.. silahkan cari di Google Play.. atau sudah zatyabajaitem sediakan link downloadnya dibawah secara offline aplikasinya.

2. Jika sudah ketemu, lalu install di Android.

passcode / QR Code Airdroid

3. Jika sudah diinstall (lihat gambar diatas) akan mendapat akan mendapat QR code / passcode (gambar step 2).

4. Kemudian ketik alamat dibawah ini ke Browser kamu (mozilla firefox lebih bagus): atau alamat IP:Port yang tertera di Airdroidmu.

5. Kemudian di browser kamu akan muncul kolom , lalu kamu masukan passcode mu..

6. Kemudian akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah ini:



7. OK ..berhasil.. silahkan bereksplor ria dengan HP androidmu lewat PC.. serasa mempunya OS Android di komputer..hihi

- Zatyabajaitem test menggunakan Android OS 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) bekerja dengan lancar aplikasinya.
- Software ini jika di PC mirip seperti macam TeamViewer atau VNC.

Jika ada yang ingin bertanya, saran, kritik dan komentar, ditunggu dibawah. Thanks

Berikut link downloadnya:

password download:


Credit :

Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga

Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga

Cheat ninja saga new, claim hair style 0 token, for free usher, you can claim hair style and use weapon damage 99999 for mission, the cheat still working and use fiddler and file swf, if you dont have fiddler you can download FIDDLER click, how to use cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga :

step :
1. Download fiddler and open fiddler
2. Download file swf
3. Darg File swf to fiddler
4. Open ninja saga  and clear cache browse
5. Reload page ninja saga and go to style shop you see claim hair style 0 token
6. go to gear and use weapon ( you must have kunai weapon)
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga
Tutorial Video Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage Ninja Saga

DOWNLOAD file swf
Copy Link and Paste To the new bar In Your Browser
skip ads (wait 5 sec)

Copy and Paste link In Your Browser
skip ads (wait 5 sec)
File SWF Cheat Hair Style Free Usher and Damage
pass rar : cheat-afrix 
Credit :

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga

Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga
Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga
Cheat Ninja Saga wepon blacksmith house, old item ninja saha weapon blacksmith house hack, you will get weapon and upgrade like old item feature ninja saga, if you dont have weapon you can get weapon with tokens, how to use Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga :

file swf
ziddu : click
sharebeast : click
pass rar : cheat-afrix

1. Download fiddler
2. Download file swf
3. Open Fiddler and darg file swf to fiddler
4. Clear cache browse
5. Go to hunting house > meterial market
6. Buy weapon or updagrade weapon now
7. If you need MAGATAMA, you can get magatama >> CLICK <<
8. Good Luck

Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga
Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga

Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga
Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga

Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga
Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga
Tutorial Video Cheat Weapon Blacksmith House Ninja Saga
Credit :

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New

Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
Cheat Ninja Saga New - All in Shop Ninja Saga 9 feature : 50 TP (Talent Point) per day, instant daily task, god mode for mission, get emblem + 2000 Token for free, list menu, cheat All in Shop New tools fiddler and file swf, how to use cheat ninja saga all in shop :

File swf
Ziddu : Click
Sharebeast : Click
Pass rar : cheat-afrix
Step :
1. Open Fiddler
2. Open Ninja Saga
3. Download File Swf
4. Darg File Swf to Fiddler
5. Clear Cache Browse
6. Go to Shop
7. Enjoy
Feature All in Shop Ninja Saga
50 TP (Talent Point) Per Day
Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
 God Mode & Instant Daily Task
Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
 Get Free Emblem + 2000 Tokens For Free
Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
Cheat All in Shop Ninja Saga Update New
Credit :

jumlah TP yang dibutuhkan dalam Talent Ninja Saga

Talent Points

TP trainings can be done in the Kage Room under the Talent panal. Each Training gives 10 TP and can be completed once per day at sever reset. Each character can only complete at most 3 TP trainings per day.
There are 4 ways to gain TP:
  • 1. Complete daily TP missions
  • 2. Boost TP with tokens
  • 3. Get free TP(10) from sharing posts
  • 4. Get free TP(5) from gifts
Each lvl of Talent require a set number of TP:
Lvl1 – 5 TP
Lvl2 – 10 TP
Lvl3 – 25 TP
Lvl4 – 50 TP
Lvl5 – 100 TP
Lvl6 – 200 TP
Lvl7 – 300 TP
Lvl8 – 450 TP
Lvl9 – 600 TP
Lvl10 – 800 TP

TP Per Talent: Lvl 1-10 - 2,540

TP Per Extreme Talent:
6 x 2,540 - 15,240

TP Per Secret Talent:
3 x 2,540 - 7,620

TP Per Character Talents:
6 + 3 + 3 - 30,480

Tokens for TP:
10 TP = 20 Tokens
50+5 TP = 100 Tokens
100+20 TP = 200 Tokens
200+50 TP = 400 Tokens

Credit :

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

ATM EXP LEVEL GOLD December 2012 [ByPassed]

NEW Update ATM EXP, GOLD, LEVEL Ninja Saga December 2012 [100% WOrK Tested]. Password Login is ByPassed you can Use it for Easily.Ok Guys, this hack special My Weekend Day. Enjoy This Hack and Happy Weekend, ..

Tutorial :
  1. Download File
  2. Extrach rar >> set the Password
  3. Open Fiddler 2 >> Follow .txt Tutorial or My Video
    Make sure Drag all SWF File
  4. Open your browser >> Must Clear Chache
  5. Login to Ninja Saga >> Must Go to Headquater
  6. Password Enter is:
    Just Delete star (*) for Easily
  7. Enjoy. This hack.. Hope can help you !

Special Thanks, 
Credit And License This Hack :

Luqman Hakim
Rizqi Aryansa
Bima Ajie Bahari
Abdul Waris
Ebenezer Anugrah Baginta
Hayu Trahangga
Muhammad Farid Lawe
Iim Banie
Mallory Siantury
Mohammad Hari
Ari Putra
Nanang Edi Prayitno
Fernanda Syahrian R.
Adi Yudha Prawira
K.A Yoga Budiarta
Haidar Naufal Alamsyah
Fajar Lazuardiyanto
Wahyu Rizky
Vivin Nurjulian Firdaus
M. Novianto .A.N.
Ananta Bima
Aries Suryadi
Rio Setia Ananda
Pais Maulana
Antonius Dimas
Ricky Nimonica Rienaldy
Jjsa Ruziqna
Ahmad Saifudin Khafid M.
Buyung Samudra
Rudy Ong

Important ! 
"Do not use download accelerator (IDM) on efileuploading"

Download Latest Fiddler2 on [Efile]

Download Swf File [Efile & Mediafire Link]


By: TheReiko & Siky Hackerz
NB: Please don't abuse this hack, and keep visit this blog. Enjoy !
Credit :

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast

Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast
Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast
Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast, This is a trick usually ensures good fortune, Scratch Card Ninja Saga, you will get Free Pet Tailed Beast, This way is prove and the result is awesome, It is also good fortune "Many people succeed with this trick Scratch Card", Now I will Share Trick How to get Free Pet Tailed Beast ninja saga :

Trick Get Free Pet : Click

That has been proven

Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast
Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast

Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast
Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast

Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast
Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast

Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast
Trick Scratch Card Get Free Pet Tailed Beast
Credit :

Sepuluh Internet Browser Terbaik 2012

Internet browser merupakan sebuah aplikasi untuk membantu user dalam menjelajahi dunia maya, tiap tahun Internet/web browser yang biasa kita gunakan  ini selalu memperbaiki kelemahannya, mulai dari security, fitur menarik, kecepatan browsing dan lain sebagainya.
Menurut review/pengujian pada tahun 2012, bahwa tahun ini terjadi perubahan peringkat dari yang sebelumnya peringkat satu diduduki oleh browser Firefox keluaran Mozilla, namun tahun ini peringkat  pertama diambil alih oleh browser chrome keluaran google.
Chrome memang sudah pantas menduduki posisi pertama, mengingat dari segi kecepatan chrome terasa lebih cepat dari browser lain dan tidak hanya itu chrome juga tidak memberatkan CPU, ketika melakukan kegiatan browsing. Langsung saja lihat reviewnya dibawah.
10 Internet Browser Terbaik Tahun 2012:
1. Google Chrome
Spesifikasi & Reviews:
  • Feature Set: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Security: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Easy of Use: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Initial Startup Time: 4 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 4,3 detik
  • Navigation Time: 4,4 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom , Add-ons, Spell check, Open source development, Seamless download manager, Thumbnail preview, Synchronize.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus.
  • Anti-Phising.
  • Clear data.
  • Private mode.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS.
2. Mozilla Firefox
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Security: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Easy of Use: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Initial Startup Time: 6,3 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 6,3 detik
  • Navigation Time: 5,7 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom , Add-ons, Spell check, Open source development, Seamless download manager, Synchronize, Parental controls.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus.
  • Anti-Phising.
  • Clear data.
  • Private mode.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS.
3. Internet Explorer
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Security: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Easy of Use: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Initial Startup Time: 4,3 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 4 detik
  • Navigation Time: 4,5 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom , Add-ons, Thumbnail preview, Synchronize, Parental controls.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus.
  • Anti-Phising.
  • Clear data.
  • Private mode.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.

4. Opera
Spesifikasi & Reviews

  • Feature Set: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Security: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Easy of Use: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Initial Startup Time: 5,1 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 4,4 detik
  • Navigation Time: 4,5 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom , Add-ons, Spell check, Seamless download manager, Thumbnail preview, Synchronize, Mouse gestures, Voice interaction.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus.
  • Anti-Phising.
  • Clear data.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS.

5. Safari Apple
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Security: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Easy of Use: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Help & Support: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Initial Startup Time: 4,2 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 3,7 detik
  • Navigation Time: 3,8 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Add-ons, Spell check.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus.
  • Clear data.
  • Private mode.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS.

6. Maxthon
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Security: 4 Star (Excellent)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 4 Star (Excellent)
  • Easy of Use: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
  • Initial Startup Time: 8 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 5,9 detik
  • Navigation Time: 3,2 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom, Add-ons, Synchronize, Mouse gestures.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus.
  • Clear data.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.

7. RockMelt
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Security: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Easy of Use: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Help & Support: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Initial Startup Time: 9,5 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 4,3 detik
  • Navigation Time: 11,1 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom, Add-ons, Seamless download manager.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus.
  • Anti-Phising.
  • Clear data.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.

8. SeaMonkey
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 3,5 Star (Very good)
  • Security: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Easy of Use: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Help & Support: 3 Star (Good)
  • Initial Startup Time: 5,7 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 4,5 detik
  • Navigation Time: 3,8 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Find-On page function, Zoom, Add-ons, Speel check, Open-source development.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-spyware.
  • Anti-virus
  • Anti-Phising.
  • Clear data.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS.

9. Deepnet Explorer
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Security: 2,5 Star (Good)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Easy of Use: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Help & Support: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Initial Startup Time: 4,1 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 3,5 detik
  • Navigation Time: 6,3 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Find-On page function, Zoom, Add-ons, Mouse gestures.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Anti-Phising.
  • Clear data.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.

10. Avant Browser
Spesifikasi & Reviews:

  • Feature Set: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Security: 2,5 Star (Good)
  • Speed & Compatibility: 3,5 Star (Very good)
  • Easy of Use: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
  • Help & Support: 4 Star (Very good)
  • Initial Startup Time: 6,6 detik
  • Average Startup Time: 5,4 detik
  • Navigation Time: 6,4 detik
  • Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom, Add-ons, Mouse gestures.
  • Pop-up blocker.
  • Clear data.
Operating System:
  • Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.