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Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

Cara memasukkan script di postingan artikel blog

Kali ini saya akan menunjukkan bagaimana cara memasukkan script di postingan artikel. Biasanya kan ketika kita memasukkan script code di postingan, secara otomatis blogger akan mendeteksi dan mengeksekusi code script tersebut padahal maksud hati itu bukan untuk dieksekusi melainkan hanya sebuah tutorial . Nah untuk solusi nya, anda harus memparse / encode html tersebut terlebih dahulu sebelum anda paste ke postingan.
  1. Buka site [ini]
  2. Sebelumnya anda telah mengcopy code script yang akan anda postingkan, setelah itu anda pastekan script code tersebut, dan klik Encode.
  3. Kemudian akan diproses sebentar dan akan muncul script code yang telah di Parse/encode.
  4. Copy script yang sudah di encode tersebut dan pastekan di postingan anda.
Pada dasarnya encode html tersebut hanya mengganti simbol

< = & l t; > = & g t;
Jika anda ingin sedikit bekerja keras, anda juga bisa meng encode html anda sendiri dengan mengganti semua script code anda dengan persamaan diatas.
Satu lagi sebenernya fasilitas blogger juga sudah ada, yaitu dengan menon aktifka tafsiran HTML. Yah mungkin anda bisa mencobanya sendiri (pada Post Options)

TINKERBELL MOUSE EFFECT (efek kaya salju di mouse)

1. Buka ke TATA LETAK
2. Tambah GADGET

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var colour="grey";;
var sparkles=50;

* Tinkerbell Magic Sparkle *
* (c) 2005 mf2fm web-design *
* *
var x=ox=400;
var y=oy=300;
var swide=800;
var shigh=600;
var sleft=sdown=0;
var tiny=new Array();
var star=new Array();
var starv=new Array();
var starx=new Array();
var stary=new Array();
var tinyx=new Array();
var tinyy=new Array();
var tinyv=new Array();

window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) {
var i, rats, rlef, rdow;
for (var i=0; i<sparkles; i++) {
var rats=createDiv(3, 3);"hidden";
var rats=createDiv(5, 5);"transparent";"hidden";
var rlef=createDiv(1, 5);
var rdow=createDiv(5, 1);

function sparkle() {
var c;
if (x!=ox || y!=oy) {
for (c=0; c<sparkles; c++) if (!starv[c]) {
star[c].style.clip="rect(0px, 5px, 5px, 0px)";
for (c=0; c<sparkles; c++) {
if (starv[c]) update_star(c);
if (tinyv[c]) update_tiny(c);
setTimeout("sparkle()", 40);

function update_star(i) {
if (--starv[i]==25) star[i].style.clip="rect(1px, 4px, 4px, 1px)";
if (starv[i]) {
if (stary[i]<shigh+sdown) {
else {
else {

function update_tiny(i) {
if (--tinyv[i]==25) {
if (tinyv[i]) {
if (tinyy[i]<shigh+sdown) {
else {
else tiny[i].style.visibility="hidden";

function mouse(e) {

function set_scroll() {
if (typeof(self.pageYOffset)=="number") {
else if (document.body.scrollTop || document.body.scrollLeft) {
else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollLeft)) {
else {

function set_width() {
if (typeof(self.innerWidth)=="number") {
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
else if (document.body.clientWidth) {

function createDiv(height, width) {
var div=document.createElement("div");"absolute";"px";"px";"hidden";;
return (div);
// ]]>


Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Cara Dapetin Token Ninja Saga Gratis tis tis

caranya dengan menganti IP address kta trus tinggal daftar web atau download n install aplikasi…

oke langsung aj carany,

1. Lu siapin Email aktif (buat proses registasi web)

2. SIapin IP address (klo ga tau nih )

3. pas cari IP, cari yang proxy portnya yg “3128 Only” sama type of proxynya “transparant” biz itu tinggal pilih countrynya terserah.

4. klo dah dpt mskin IP addressnya lewat modzila, caranya :

-klik menu tools pada modzila

-pilih options

-pilih tab Advanced

-pilih tab Network

-bis itu buka setting dan ganti pilihan NO PROXY KE MANUAL PROXY

-isi HTTP proxy pke IP yg lu cari di web td, jangn lupa juga portnya.

-klik ok , ok lgi

5. masuk ke ninja saga’a

6. klik tab EARN SAGA TOKEN

7. trus clik tab Token Ads atau SupersonicAds

8. bis itu klik FREE utk list token gratis

9. ada berbagai bahasa aneh yg akan muncl tergantung Ip mana yg kta ganti td.. (ga masalah mah klo ada google translate) :p

10. bis ntuh lakuin sesuai pentunjuk…

selamat mencoba :-)

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Google Chrome 5 Portabel

dulu saya pernah posting, tapi mungkin mengeleuh karena lama downloadnya. sekarang kembali saya posting Google Chrome portable dengan begitu anda tidak perlu install jadi bisa di gunakan sewaktu, selain itu sekarang downloadnya mungkin sudah agak ringan cos dah tak pindah ke server blog ini.

Google Chrome 5.0.322.2 Dev Portable | 12.57 MB

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.
Google Chrome is an open source web browser developed by Google. Its software architecture was engineered from scratch (using components from other open source software including WebKit and Mozilla Firefox) to cater for the changing needs of users and acknowledging that today most web sites aren't web pages but web applications. Design goals include stability, speed, security and a clean, simple and efficient user interface.

• Sandboxing. Every tab in Chrome is sandboxed, so that a tab can display contents of a web page and accept user input, but it will not be able to read the user's desktop or personal files.
Google say they have "taken the existing process boundary and made it into a jail". There is an exception to this rule; browser plugins such as Adobe Flash Player do not run within the boundaries of the tab jail, and so users will still be vulnerable to cross-browser exploits based on plugins, until plugins have been updated to work with the new Chrome security. Google has also developed a new phishing blacklist, which will be built into Chrome, as well as made available via a separate public API.
• Privacy
Google announces a so-called incognito mode claiming that it "lets you browse the web in complete privacy because it doesn’t record any of your activity". No features of this, and no implications of the default mode with respect to Google's database are given.
• Speed
Speed improvements are a primary design goal.

• Multiprocessing
The Gears team were considering a multithreaded browser (noting that a problem with existing web browser implementations was that they are inherently single-threaded) and Chrome implemented this concept with a multiprocessing architecture. A separate process is allocated to each task (eg tabs, plugins), as is the case with modern operating systems. This prevents tasks from interfering with each other which is good for both security and stability; an attacker successfully gaining access to one application does not give them access to all and failure in one application results in a "Sad Tab" screen of death. This strategy exacts a fixed per-process cost up front but results in less memory bloat overall as fragmentation is confined to each process and no longer results in further memory allocations. To complement this, Chrome will also feature a process manager which will allow the user to see how much memory and CPU each tab is using, as well as kill unresponsive tabs.

User interface
• Features
Chrome has added some commonly used plugin-specific features of other browsers into the default package, such as an Incognito tab mode, where no logs of the user activity are stored, and all cookies from the session are discarded. As a part of Chrome's V8 javascript virtual machine, pop-up javascript windows will not be shown by default, and will instead appear as a small bar at the bottom of the interface until the user wishes to display or hide the window. Chrome will include support for web applications running alongside other local applications on the computer. Tabs can be put in a web-app mode, where the omnibar and controls will be hidden with the goal of allowing the user to use the web-app without the browser "in the way".
• Rendering Engine
Chrome uses the WebKit rendering engine on advice from the Gears team because it is simple, memory efficient, useful on embedded devices and easy to learn for new developers.
• Tabs
While all of the major tabbed web browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox) have been designed with the window as the primary container, Chrome will put tabs first (similar to Opera). The most immediate way this will show is in the user interface: tabs will be at the top of the window, instead of below the controls, as in the other major tabbed browsers. In Chrome, each tab will be an individual process, and each will have its own browser controls and address bar (dubbed omnibox), a design that adds stability to the browser. If one tab fails only one process dies; the browser can still be used as normal with the exception of the dead tab. Chrome will also implement a New Tab Page which shows the nine most visited pages in thumbnails, along with the most searched on sites, most recently bookmarked sites, and most recently closed tabs, upon opening a new tab, similar to Opera's "Speed Dial" page.

download disini

NB : meskipun begitu q ga tau bs or ga, jd semoga berhasil

Membuat Gambar dengan Refleksi Air

well ini bukan plug in buat photoshop tetapi ini khusus aplikasi membuat gambar dengan refleksi air, (itu sih yang aku tangkap) ga tau deh aslinya gimana

 Make Picture With Water Reflection v2.6

Make Picture With Water Reflection v2.6
Now make ur pic like this


or download disini

NB : semoga berhasil

Kumpulan Latihan Soal Menuju UN SMP, SMA, SMK, SPMB

Akhirnya bisa juga upload ni file setelah tanya mbah google ribet karena harus mencari kesana kemari. untuk itulah akhirnya bisa saya kumpulin jadi satu di blog q.

Latihan soal ujian dalam blog ini meliputi, beberapa prediksi di 2009, naskah ujian asli 2009 sampai prediksi 2010. dah ah langsung aja

Untuk SMA ( Ipa n Ips)

Untuk SMK (Akuntansi Penjualan, Teknik Industri, Pariwisata)
download disini

Untuk SMP
download disini

Untuk SPMB
download disini

NB : file diatas bukan hasli karya pribadi melainkan hasil penelusuran Google, jadi trima kasih yang sudah bikin file tsb

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Pet Ninja Saga Dan Skill Pet

Pada saat kalian sudah lulus ujian chunin dan naik ke level 20, maka anda sudah dapat berhak untuk membeli sebuah pet. Pet tersebut ada berbagai macam, untuk itu saya memposting tutorial ini bagi kalian yang ingin menyamakan element terhadap pet-pet tersebut. Oke langsung saja saya jelaskan.

Eriko :

Nama : Eriko
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Anjing yang terlatih, memiliki kelebihan dalam hal berburu.

memiliki blind, elemen yang cocok untuk pet ini adalah player yang memiliki elemen angin atau yang memiliki status dodge rate tinggi, sehingga kesempatan dodge player dapat lebih besar.

1st skill = Bite.
2nd skill = Spin Attack.
3rd skill = Fart (Blind: Menurunkan Akurasi lawan utk 1 turn).

Chiko :

Nama : Chiko
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Burung yang memiliki kelebihan dalam elemen angin.

memiliki skill mengurangi dodge rate musuh lawan, semua elemen cocok menggunakan pet ini, namun disarankan untuk anda yang tidak suka denga wind user (user berelemen angin) pada pvp.

1st skill = Flying Attack.
2nd skill = Blows wind.
3rd skill = Inertia Dodge (Mengurangi chance dodging lawan).

Suki :

Nama : Suki
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Defense
Deskripsi : Hewan yang membantu dalam pertahanan.

memiliki protection, paling cocok bagi player dengan elemen tanah atau air yang lebih mementingkan pertahanan, sehingga ketika bertarung damage yang player terima sangatlah kecil, apalagi bila dilengkapi dengan golem protection.

1st skill = Head Strike.
2nd skill = Forceful Head Strike.
3rd skill = Protection (Mengurangi Damage serangan lawan utk ??? turn).

Suzu :

Nama : Suzu
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Hewan yang lucu dan memiliki kemampuan untuk bertarung

memiliki skill stun, cocok bagi para destroyer (elemen api atau listrik) yang mengutamakan penyerangan, sehingga ketika pertarungan, stun yang hanya 1 turn pun dapat mengubah keadaan.

1st skill = normal attack.
2nd skill = scratch attack.
3rd skill = Catgirl Transformation (stun 1 turn).

Leiko :

Nama : Leiko
Harga : 100.000 gold
Tipe : Support
Deskripsi : Ular yang sombong dan bisa menghianati tuannya.

tidak terdapat keistimewaan pada elemen, semua elemen dapat menggunakan pet ini, karena skill poisonnya yang dapat memberikan damage pada lawan.

1st skill = normal Bite.
2nd skill = Screech attack.
3rd skill = Spit Poison (terkena poison : Hp berkurang 3% selama 2 turn).

Keiko :

Nama : Keiko
Harga : 400 token
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Pet terkuat bila dibandingkan dengan pet lain, hal ini senilai dengan harga belinya yang menggunakan token.

semua elemen dapat menggunakan pet ini, karena kedua skill (restriction, burn) dapat berguna saat pertarungan, namun skill keiko lebih mengutamakan pada offense.

1st skill = Kunai Attack.
2nd skill = Tongue Attack (Restriction: Tidak dapat menggunakan skill).
3rd skill = Spit Fire (Deals damage & mengurangi 3% Hp musuh selama 2 turns).

Shika :

Nama : Shika
Harga : 400 token
Tipe : Offense
Deskripsi : Rusa, spesialis dalam hal penyerangan.

skill yang berguna dari shika adalah cleaning, dimana cleaning dapat menghilangkan efek negatif yang ada pada player (stun,burn,sleep,blind, dll), cocok bagi semua elemen kecuali elemen air/ yang memiliki status point air tinggi, karena pada status elemen air juga terdapat chance mengeluarkan efek ini pada tiap pointnya.

Selamat Mencoba semoga sukses dalam memilih pet…hati-hati jangan sampe di buang…hehe…Enjoy for Ninja Saga….komen ya..!!

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

AVS Audio Converter

Satu lagi dari sekian banyak converter

AVS Audio Converter v6.1.1.159 | 32,2 Mb

Convert between most known audio files: WAV, OGG Vorbis, MP3, MP2, Microsoft ADPCM, WMA, VOX, AAC, M4A, AMR and other well-known media formats according to your wish.

Features Overview

All key formats are supported

Write: MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, M4R, AAC, AMR, OGG, MP2, FLAC

or download disini

NB : seperti biasa semoga berhasil cos q belum mencobanya

Google Chrome 5 Portabel

dulu saya pernah posting, tapi mungkin mengeleuh karena lama downloadnya. sekarang kembali saya posting Google Chrome portable dengan begitu anda tidak perlu install jadi bisa di gunakan sewaktu, selain itu sekarang downloadnya mungkin sudah agak ringan cos dah tak pindah ke server blog ini.

Google Chrome 5.0.322.2 Dev Portable | 12.57 MB

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.
Google Chrome is an open source web browser developed by Google. Its software architecture was engineered from scratch (using components from other open source software including WebKit and Mozilla Firefox) to cater for the changing needs of users and acknowledging that today most web sites aren't web pages but web applications. Design goals include stability, speed, security and a clean, simple and efficient user interface.

• Sandboxing. Every tab in Chrome is sandboxed, so that a tab can display contents of a web page and accept user input, but it will not be able to read the user's desktop or personal files.
Google say they have "taken the existing process boundary and made it into a jail". There is an exception to this rule; browser plugins such as Adobe Flash Player do not run within the boundaries of the tab jail, and so users will still be vulnerable to cross-browser exploits based on plugins, until plugins have been updated to work with the new Chrome security. Google has also developed a new phishing blacklist, which will be built into Chrome, as well as made available via a separate public API.
• Privacy
Google announces a so-called incognito mode claiming that it "lets you browse the web in complete privacy because it doesn’t record any of your activity". No features of this, and no implications of the default mode with respect to Google's database are given.
• Speed
Speed improvements are a primary design goal.

• Multiprocessing
The Gears team were considering a multithreaded browser (noting that a problem with existing web browser implementations was that they are inherently single-threaded) and Chrome implemented this concept with a multiprocessing architecture. A separate process is allocated to each task (eg tabs, plugins), as is the case with modern operating systems. This prevents tasks from interfering with each other which is good for both security and stability; an attacker successfully gaining access to one application does not give them access to all and failure in one application results in a "Sad Tab" screen of death. This strategy exacts a fixed per-process cost up front but results in less memory bloat overall as fragmentation is confined to each process and no longer results in further memory allocations. To complement this, Chrome will also feature a process manager which will allow the user to see how much memory and CPU each tab is using, as well as kill unresponsive tabs.

User interface
• Features
Chrome has added some commonly used plugin-specific features of other browsers into the default package, such as an Incognito tab mode, where no logs of the user activity are stored, and all cookies from the session are discarded. As a part of Chrome's V8 javascript virtual machine, pop-up javascript windows will not be shown by default, and will instead appear as a small bar at the bottom of the interface until the user wishes to display or hide the window. Chrome will include support for web applications running alongside other local applications on the computer. Tabs can be put in a web-app mode, where the omnibar and controls will be hidden with the goal of allowing the user to use the web-app without the browser "in the way".
• Rendering Engine
Chrome uses the WebKit rendering engine on advice from the Gears team because it is simple, memory efficient, useful on embedded devices and easy to learn for new developers.
• Tabs
While all of the major tabbed web browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox) have been designed with the window as the primary container, Chrome will put tabs first (similar to Opera). The most immediate way this will show is in the user interface: tabs will be at the top of the window, instead of below the controls, as in the other major tabbed browsers. In Chrome, each tab will be an individual process, and each will have its own browser controls and address bar (dubbed omnibox), a design that adds stability to the browser. If one tab fails only one process dies; the browser can still be used as normal with the exception of the dead tab. Chrome will also implement a New Tab Page which shows the nine most visited pages in thumbnails, along with the most searched on sites, most recently bookmarked sites, and most recently closed tabs, upon opening a new tab, similar to Opera's "Speed Dial" page.

download disini

NB : meskipun begitu q ga tau bs or ga, jd semoga berhasil

Full Speed v.3.3 + Crack

satu lagi untuk mempercepat koneksi internet

NEW! Full Speed's Pro Boost 3.3 Internet Booster

Publisher's Note:
-Versis Full Speed is the best buy and best performing speed boosting software for all high speed Internet Broadband services.

-Full Speed is free to try and will boost the performance of your computer with everything you do on the Internet.

- Full Speed will also boost Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox as well as all Internet activity such as data download, online games, streaming video, web searching, page loading and even network performance.

- Full Speed also has excellent visual and numerical speed tests to enable the user to see before and after performance improvements.
-Full Speed is totally automatic and needs only one click and absolutely no knowledge to get instant speed improvements.

-Full Speed is free from all viruses, spy-ware, contracts, pop-ups, trojans etc. etc and is in fact award winning software for being 100% clean and safe to use.

Accelerate your downloads by up to 800%

Instantly Get:
1. Overall faster high speed Internet
2. Faster download speeds
3. Faster web site browsing
4. Improve Internet and Intranet performance
5. Quicker download times
6. Smoother streaming music and movies
7. Faster download for songs and video
8. Faster performance with email
9. Faster loading Web graphics
10. Faster loading Web pages
11. Faster Internet Explorer
12. Speed test for Web site browsing
13. Speed test for general data transfer
14. Works for businesses or home users
15. Improved VPN and WAN performance
16. Increased peak download speed
17. More consistent data transfer
18. Better data flow efficiency
19. Fewer corrupt downloads
20. Works over networks
21. Works with all ADSL/DSL modems and routers
22. Works over wireless
23. Smoother surfing

* Tested on all Broadband technologies *

What's new in v3.3?

1. All the data download and Web speed tests, including 3rd Party independent online speed tests built in.
2. Even easier to use straight from installation
3. Pro Boost button for 1Mb and above broadband users
4. More accurate auto' optimization for PPPoA or PPPoE
5. Better installer procedure
6. Further enhanced booster settings
7. New Mozilla Firefox instant boost and tests
8. New and instant Browser speed boost, tests and progress
9. Even easier to read and follow when running for the first time
10. New Refresh button action to ensure no temporary files or cached files are used when refreshing a Web page during the Web speed tests.


download here (ziddu) or disini (agak cepat)

NB : menurutku sih berhasil, tapi ga tau buat yang lain ( ingat ini bukan untuk mempercepat download idm)

Nitendo n Sega Emulator

Dulu ya.... sebelum ada yang namanya PS, q pernah main tuh yang namanya Nitendo dulu (1991) harganya masih 500rb an, gamenya juga ga bosen2 tuk mainkan mulai Mario, Tank, Contra, Chrono Trigger, Dobel Dragon. Meskipun Sega harganya masih 1jt waktu itu q tetep aja bisa main gratis punyae temen da Sonic, X-Men, Rambo III.

Tetapi sekarang berhubung bawa laptop, ganti deh main Zuma, Feeding Frenzy, Duner Dash. Tapi lama2 buat bosen juga ya...

saat itu lah q berpikir coba q bisa main nitendo di laptop, setelah googleing ketemu deh aplikasi n gamenya... yang nitendo bisa kamu sedot disini dah termasuk game : Tank, Final Fantasy, dll sampai lupa aku or Sega yang bisa kamu sedot disini dah termasuk game : Sonic, X-Men, Rambo III.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Sis to sisx n Jar Converter

Katanya sih biat ngonvert ektensi sis ke jar or sebaliknya

Sis to sisx and jar Converter

Now its possible to convert....
sis to sisx ( s60 3rd edition phones apps )
sis to jar ( Java , Midp , v1.0 , Midp 2.0 apps)
sis to jad
sisx to sis
sisx to jar
jar to sis ( s60 first and second edition phones apps )


or download here

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Game CD Key List (update sep 2009)

Game CD Key List 3.80 New Update Sep 2009

Game CD Key List 3.80 New Update Sep 2009

Game CD Key List 3.80 New Update Sep 2009

Game CD Key List is currently one of the largest collection of Game CD Keys in a single application on the internet.
Created by Cobra using C# the goal is to have a 100% clean collection of CD Keys on hand without having to search
for them on potentially dangerous websites or using trojan infested keygens.
[5 CD Keys] - 1503 A.D.: A New World
[5 CD Keys] - 1503 A.D.: Treasures, Monsters and Pirates
[1 CD Keys] - 3D Ultra Pinball: Thrill Ride
[5 CD Keys] - Act of War: High Treason
[5 CD Keys] - Adventure Pinball : Forgotten Island
[2 CD Keys] - Age of Empires Gold Edition
[1 CD Keys] - Age of Empires II
[1 CD Keys] - Age of Empires II: Conquerors
[5 CD Keys] - Age of Empires III
[1 CD Keys] - Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties
[4 CD Keys] - Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs
[5 CD Keys] - Age of Mythology
[5 CD Keys] - Age of Mythology: The Titans
[5 CD Keys] - Aliens vs. Predator 2
[5 CD Keys] - American McGee's Alice
[5 CD Keys] - **uanox
[5 CD Keys] - ArmA: Armed Assault
[5 CD Keys] - Armed Assault
[5 CD Keys] - Armies of Exigo
[5 CD Keys] - Axis and Allies
[5 CD Keys] - Battlefield 1942
[5 CD Keys] - Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
[5 CD Keys] - Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome
[5 CD Keys] - Battlefield Vietnam
[5 CD Keys] - Battlefield 2
[5 CD Keys] - Battlefield 2: Special Forces
[5 CD Keys] - Battlefield 2142
[5 CD Keys] - Big Scale Racing
[5 CD Keys] - Bionicle
[5 CD Keys] - Black & White
[5 CD Keys] - Black & White: Creature Isle
[5 CD Keys] - Black & White 2
[5 CD Keys] - Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods
[5 CD Keys] - Breed
[3 CD Keys] - Brothers in Arms: Road To The Hill 30
[2 CD Keys] - Brothers in Arms: Earned In Blood
[5 CD Keys] - Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
[5 CD Keys] - Call of Duty
[5 CD Keys] - Call of Duty: United Offensive
[5 CD Keys] - Call of Duty 2
[5 CD Keys] - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
[5 CD Keys] - Call of Duty 5: World At War
[5 CD Keys] - Catwoman
[1 CD Keys] - Castrol Honda Superbike 2000
[5 CD Keys] - Caesar IV
[5 CD Keys] - Chaser
[5 CD Keys] - Chrome
[5 CD Keys] - Clive Barker's Undying
[5 CD Keys] - Close Combat: First to Fight
[5 CD Keys] - Comanche 4
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Generals
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Red Alert 3
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Renegade
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer The First Decade
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberian Wars
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberian Wars - Kane Edition
[5 CD Keys] - Command & Conquer 3: Kanes Wrath
[5 CD Keys] - Company of Heroes
[5 CD Keys] - Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
[5 CD Keys] - Counter Strike
[5 CD Keys] - Counter Strike: Condition Zero
[5 CD Keys] - Cricket 2002
[5 CD Keys] - Cricket 2004
[5 CD Keys] - Cricket 2005
[5 CD Keys] - Cricket 2007
[5 CD Keys] - Crysis
[5 CD Keys] - Crysis Warhead
[1 CD Keys] - Cultures 2: The Gates of Asgard
[3 CD Keys] - Dead Mans Hand
[5 CD Keys] - Dead Space
[1 CD Keys] - Dead To Rights
[5 CD Keys] - Deer Hunter Tournament
[5 CD Keys] - Delta Force 2
[5 CD Keys] - Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
[5 CD Keys] - Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Team Sabre
[5 CD Keys] - Delta Force: Land Warrior
[4 CD Keys] - Delta Force: Task Force Dagger
[4 CD Keys] - Delta Force: Xtreme
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Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Google Chrome 4.0.249.xx Final


Google Chrome Final *MULTi* | 11.75 MB

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Google Chrome also uses a brand new javascript engine (V8), which is much faster than existing javascript interpreters. This means you can create more complex and more intensive AJAX applications with fewer speed and processing constraints. Finally, Google Chrome is built on top of WebKit, so Google Chrome users will benefit from the CSS3 features being added to WebKit as those features are released.

Bookmark sync
Enhanced developer tools
HTML5: Notifications, Web Database, Local Storage, WebSockets, Ruby support
v8 performance improvements
Skia performance improvements
Full ACID3 pass, due to re-enabled remote font support (with added defense against bugs in operating system font libraries)
HTTP byte range support
New security feature: "Strict Transport Security" support

Experimental new anti-reflected-XSS feature called "XSS Auditor"


Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Worm 3D Rip Portable

 Worm 3D Rip
Worm 3D Rip | 80.5MB
Worms 3D is a turn-based strategy game developed by Team17. The game was the first in the series to be in 3D and also featured several new weapons. Additionally, some of the weapons operations are substantially different from previous Worms titles.Gameplay- When you start the game you have some options like Single Player, Quick start, options, and multiplayer.This game is a turn based strategy. You will be against another person/computer with worms randomly placed. The mission is to use your available weapons to wipe out all of your opponents worms. Some weapons are guns, bombs, and others. The player can also create their own team of worms. In the single player mode, there are campaign missions, tutorials, and challenges that help the player unlock items, stages, Wormapedia pages, and worm voices.


Zuma 2 : Revenge 2009 zuma's revenge

zuma's revenge

zuma's revenge | 150 MB

The ribbeting sequel to the ball-blasting classic!
Enter an all-new world of Zuma where evil tiki bosses rule the land! Conquer over 60 levels by firing stone spheres to make matches and destroy the deadly stream of balls, then take on six tiki boss battles and guide your agile amphibian to victory!

Leap into action in four game modes with explosive new features and amazing new gameplay: Slide and hop for smarter shots, hit targets for exotic bonuses, and detonate new power-up balls! Will you succumb to the perilous pitfalls, or can you tame the jungle in this PopCap ball-blasting challenge?

More About the Game

* Take on the tikis in four game modes: Adventure, Challenge, Iron Frog and Heroic Frog
* Score explosive power-ups including three new shots
* Explore new gameplay like lily-pad hopping, slide-aiming, and more
* Enjoy amazing graphics and effects and save your stats in the Tiki Temple!

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zuma's  revenge

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Diner Dash 5

Diner Dash 5 (Beta)
When a sneaky prankster removes the word "fat" from Flo's ® "Fat Free Breakfast" sign, a huge wave of hungry DinerToons™ overrun the diner causing it to explode!

It's up to Flo to move outside the diner and serve food to customers anywhere and everywhere she can! Find creative places to seat customers, take on outdoor disasters, and do everything in your power to keep customers happy. Can you keep up with the demand and earn enough money to rebuild and decorate a new diner from scratch, or is Flo's Diner gone forever?


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Macromedia Flash 8 Portable

Macromedia Flash 8.0 Portable
Macromedia Flash 8.0 Portable | Size 51.1 M
Macromedia Flash 8 gives designers a platform to create cartoons, videos, and games that make Web sites dance and sing, and it does so with ease.This Flash upgrade facilitates an evolution in the animated Web experience, and it's a must-have for serious site developers. Flash authors should warm to the numerous work-flow and design-tool improvements, including new runtime blend modes, filters and effects, support for alpha-channel video, and a rebuilt video codec to shrink file size and playback time. Hobbyists wanting to put Flash content on their personal Web pages should opt for Flash Basic, although it lacks the more alluring new features offered by the more expensive Flash Professional 8. You can also buy Flash Professional 8 packaged with the Macromedia Studio 8 suite for about a thousand dollars or upgrade for less from a previous version of Studio.


Senin, 08 Februari 2010

870 Game Java

870+ Java Mobile Games
870+ Java Mobile Games
English | 177 MB

These Are .jar Files. Only Java Supported Mobiles Can Play these games.
Install Instruction:

1 Connect Mobile with PC.
2 Copy .jar File in your mobile.
3 Disconnect Mobile.
4 Install Games in your Mobile.

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Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Menipu Mata Kita [Cobalah]

Apa yang agan liat? Ya, sebuah gambar dengan latar belakang berwarna abu-abu, dikelilingi bulatan berwarna pink yg mati secara bergantian satu per satu searah jarum jam.
Coba pusatkan mata agan di tanda + di tengah gambar.. Agan bakal ngeliat buletan pink yg mati tadi digantikan oleh bulatan ijo, padahal aslinya ga ada tuh buletan ijo yg muter kalo mata kita ga dipusatkan ke tanda +
Sekarang coba benar-benar pusatkan konsentrasi agan di tanda + .. Benar-benar pusatkan konsentasi agan, jangan perhatikan hal lain selain tanda + .. Apa yang terjadi?
Buletan pink menghilang!
Ya, buletan pink menghilang dan hanya menyisakan bultean ijo berputar mengelilingi tanda + .. Tapi sebentar aja konsentrasi agan buyar, buletan pink bakal balik lagi
Kalo agan berhasil, agan berarti udah sukses menipu otak agan dalam menginterpretasikan warna. Sekarang bilang ke otak agan: Kena deh!

Spoiler for Penjelasan:
Otak kita bekerja dengan caranya sendiri. Mata kita hanya berfungsi layaknya sebuah kamera yang menerima inputan cahaya masuk. Lantas dari mana kita bisa "melihat" sesuatu? Otak! Ya, otak yang memproduksinya untuk kita.

Ane ga tau penjelasan ilmiah dari gambar ini, tapi filosofinya adalah kita tidak selalu melihat apa yang kita pikir, dengan kata lain kita melihat sesuatu "bukan apa adanya" tapi "sebagaimana kita melihatnya".

Berat/ringan, kecil/besar, masalah/bukan masalah, sedih/gembira, hukuman/pahala, derita/bahagia, dst.. Semua itu hanyalah "cara pandang" kita terhadap sesuatu. Suatu peristiwa/kejadian yang sama, namun jika melihatnya dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda serta memaknainya dengan berbeda kemudian menyikapinya dengan cara yang berbeda pula, maka hasil-nya juga akan berbeda. Semua hanya ada di benak kita sendiri! Karena otak kita lah yang membuatnya berbeda! Jika suatu peristiwa yang negatif namun kalau kita memandang/memaknai nya sebagai hal yang positif dan kita menyikapi dengan cara yang positif maka hasilnya pun akan positif pula. Dan begitu sebaliknya..

Notepad ++

mudah mudahan cukup membantu

Notepad++ 5.6.5 Portable | 3.46 Mb

Notepad++ Portable has all the same great features of Notepad++ including support for multiple languages and an extensive plugin system, but there's nothing to install.
