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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Kumpulan Crack

Spoiler untuk A:
AAA Logo Maker 2010
ACDSystem Product
Acronis Backup & Recovery 10
Adobe Acrobat 9
Adobe Product
Spoiler untuk software yg bs dicrack:
Adobe Acrobat pro 9 Extended
Adobe Acrobat Pro X
Adobe After Effect CS4
Adobe Audition 3
Adobe Captivate 4
Adobe Captivate 5
Adobe ColdFusion builder 1
Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise 8
Adobe coldFusion Enterprise 9
Adobe Contribute CS4
Adobe Contribute CS5
Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS4
Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS4
Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS5
Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS4
Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS5
Adobe Creative Suite WEb Premium CS4
Adobe Director 11
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
Adobe eLearning Suite 1
Adobe eLearning Suite 2
Adobe Fireworks CS4
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Adobe Flash Builder Plug-in 4
Adobe Flash Builder 4
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5
Adobe Flash CS4
Adobe Flash CS5
Adobe Flash Media Enterprise Server 4
Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5
Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server 4
Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5
Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 4
Adobe Flexbuilder 3
Adobe FrameMaker Server 8
Adobe FrameMaker Server 9
Adobe FrameMaker 9
Adobe Illustrator CS4
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Adobe Incopy CS4
Adobe Incopy CS5
Adobe Indesign CS4
Adobe Indesign CS5
Adobe Indesign Server CS4
Adobe Indesign Server CS5
Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES 2
Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 9
Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
Adobe Photoshop Element 7
Adobe Photoshop Element 9
Adobe Photoshop LightRoom 1
Adobe Photoshop LightRoom 2
Adobe Photoshop LightRoom 3
Adobe Premiere Elements 7
Adobe Premiere Elements 9
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
Adobe Presenter 7
Adobe Robohelp server 8
Adobe Robohelp 8
Adobe Soundbooth CS4
Adobe Soundbooth CS5
Adobe Technical Communication Suite 2
Adobe Visual Communicator 3

Adobe CS2 product
Spoiler untuk software yg bs dicrack:
Adobe CS2 Premium Edition
Adobe CS2 Standard Edition
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Adobe Illustrator CS2
Adobe InDesign CS2
Adobe GoLive CS2
Adobe Version Cue CS2
Adobe Acrobat 7 Pro

Adobe CS3 Master Collection
Adobe Flash CS3
Adobe Illustrator CS
Adobe InDesign CS2
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop Elements 5
Spoiler untuk serial:

Adobe Photoshop Elements 6
Spoiler untuk serial:

Advanced Installer 8.xx
Advanced System Care Pro 3.x
Advanced ZIP Password Recovery 4.00.24
Aida64 Business and Extreme Edition 1.50
Alcohol 120% v2
AlienSkin Bokeh 2
AlZip 8.12
AMS Photo Calendar Maker 1.65
Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery 2.4
Animated Wallpaper Maker 2.5.3
Anime Studio Pro 7
AntiARP 6.xx (trial reset)
Any DVD Converter Pro 4.xx
Any Video Converter Pro 3.2.1
Any Video Converter Pro 3.2.2
Art Money Pro 7.34.1
Artisteer 2.x
Ashampoo Movie Menu 1
Ashampoo Product
Spoiler untuk software yg bs dicrack:
Ashampoo Anti Spyware
Ashampoo Anti Spyware 2
Ashampoo antivirus
Ashampoo Burning Studio 5
Ashampoo Burning Studio 6
Ashampoo Burning Studio 7
Ashampoo Burning Studio 8
Ashampoo Burning Studio 9
Ashampoo BurnYa! Audio CD 2
Ashampoo BurnYa! Data Disk
Ashampoo clip Fisher
Ashampoo Core Tuner
Ashampoo Cover Studio
Ashampoo Firewall
Ashampoo Firewall Pro
Ashampoo HDD Control
Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3
Ashampoo Magical Defrag
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2
Ashampoo Magical Optimizer
Ashampoo Magical Security
Ashampoo Magical Security 2
Ashampoo Magical Snap
Ashampoo Magical Snap 2
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 2
Ashampoo Movie Shrink & Burn 3
Ashampoo MP3 Audio Center
Ashampoo Music Studio 3
Ashampoo Photo Commander 3
Ashampoo Photo Commander 4
Ashampoo Photo Commander 5
Ashampoo Photo Commander 6
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2
Ashampoo PowerUp 3
Ashampoo SeeYa! 2
Ashampoo Snap 3
Ashampoo Uninstaller Platinum
Ashampoo Uninstaller Platinum 2
Ashampoo Uninstaller 3
Ashampoo Uninstaller 4
Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 2
Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 4
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 6

Ashampoo Product #2
Spoiler untuk software yg bs dicrack:
Ashampoo Anti-Malware
Ashampoo AntiSpyware 2
Ashampoo Firewall Pro
Ashampoo Magical Security 2
Ashampoo magical Security
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 Theme Pack
Ashampoo Burning Studio 9
Ashampoo Butning Studio 9 Theme Pack
Ashampoo Burning Studio 8
Ashampoo Burning Studio 7
Ashampoo Movie Shrink and Burn 3
Ashampoo Movie Shrink and Burn 2
Ashampoo BurnYa Audio CD 2
Ashampoo BurnYa Data Disc 2
Ashampoo DVD Theme Pack 1
Ashampoo CD Recording Suite 4
Ashampoo WinShampoo
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 4
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 5
Ashampoo winOptimizer 6
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 8
Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 3
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 1
Ashampoo HDD Control 2
Ashampoo HDD Control
Ashampoo Uninstaller 4
Ashampoo Uninstaller 3
Ashampoo Uninstaller Platinum 2
Ashampoo Magic Uninstall 3
Ashampoo Magic Uninstall 2
Ashampoo Magic Uninstall 1
Ashampoo Registry cleaner
Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3
Ashampoo Core tuner
Ashampoo PowerUp 3
Ashampoo PowerUp XP Platinum 2
Ashampoo Magical Optimizer
Ashampoo SlideShow Studio Elements
Ashampoo SlideShow HD 2
Ashampoo SlideShow HD
Ashampoo Movie Menu
Ashampoo Cover Studio 2
Ashampoo Cover Studio 1
Ashampoo Cover Studio 1 (mac)
Ashampoo My Autoplay Studio
Ashampoo Photo Commander 9
Ashampoo Photo Commander 8
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7
Ashampoo Photo Commander 6
Ashampoo Photo Illuminator 2
Ashampoo ClipFinder HD
Ashampoo Snap 4
Ashampoo Snap 3
Ashampoo Magical Snap 2
Ashampoo SnapYa!
Ashampoo ClipFisher
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 2
Ashampoo Music Studio 3
Ashampoo MP3 Audio Center
Ashampoo SeeYa! 2
Ashampoo Home Designer Pro
Ashampoo Home Designer 1
Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 3
Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 2
Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture
Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 3
Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 2
Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional
Ashampoo Kitchen Catalog Extension
Ashampoo Office Catalog Extension

Ashampoo Snap 4
Autodesk Product 2011
Autograph 3.11
Autograph 3.3
Autoplay Media Studio 8
Avast 6 dari sini pass: chuckles
AVG Internet Security 9
Avira (ASD Avira Key finder 2010 2.0 Pro)
AVK 2.4 English Version
AVS Video Editor
AVS4you Product
Spoiler untuk J:
Spoiler untuk Q:
Spoiler untuk R:
Spoiler untuk V:

Jika butuh password, buka dengan winrar dan lihat di sebelah kanan



1.Ubah timing teks yang tidak pas secara otomatis (tidak perlu ubah satu per satu per baris)
-Pengubahan timing bisa mulai dari posisi awal sampe akhir, bisa juga dari posisi ke-n sampai posisi ke-m, tergantung inputan user
-Sangat berguna u/ file subtitle yg semua timing teks-nya terlalu lambat atau terlalu cepat
2.Edit teks
3.Cari teks
4.Preview MOVIE
-Support banyak tipe file MOVIE (avi, mkv, mp4, dll)
-File SRT harus di-SAVE terlebih dahulu, dan nama MOVIE harus sama dengan nama file SRT dalam 1 folder!!!
-Preview MOVIE menggunakan bantuan software K-LITE CODEC PACK, jadi wajib menginstall K-LITE CODEC PACK terlebih dahulu
-K-LITE CODEC PACK bisa didownload gratis di
5.Buka beberapa file SRT sekaligus
6.Pecah 1 file SRT (1 CD) jadi 2 file SRT (2 CD)
7.Gabungkan 2 file SRT (2 CD) jadi 1 file SRT (1 CD)

8.Ganti nilai FPS


1.Buka file MOVIE yang timing subtitle-nya tidak pas, seperti contoh pada gambar di bawah ini:

2.Teks 'PLAN B' seharus berada pada posisi 06:17, bukan 08:17, atau dengan kata lain timing teks kelambatan 2 menit.
3.Jadi timing teks harus dimundurkan sebanyak 2 menit sehingga hasilnya tampak seperti contoh pada gambar di bawah ini:

4.Buka program SRT EDITOR v2.0, kemudian buka file SUBTITLE yg mau diubah.
5.Pada gambar di bawah ini,tampak bahwa semua timing teks kelambatan 2 menit, jadi semua timing harus dimundurkan sebanyak 2 menit dari AWAL sampe AKHIR, inputan yg harus diisi dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah ini:

6.Tekan tombol SAVE u/ menyimpan hasil, dan tekan tombol PREVIEW u/ melihat hasilnya pada MOVIE.

Jumat, 29 April 2011

Membuat Tag Cloud Cumulus pada Template Blogger

Widget tag cloud berbasis flash yang menggunakan konversi script dariRoy Tanck WP Cumulus untuk wordpress atau dalam template blogger lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Blogumus sangatlah bagus untuk mempercantik blog kita. Sebenarnya sudah cukup lama saya ingin memasangnya pada blog saya, namun baru saja saya mendapatkan tutorialnya di Blognya Amanda dan saya putuskan untuk mempostingnya di sini.

Untuk memasang widget ini pada template blogger sangatlah mudah. Anda tinggal mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Login kedalam blogger dengan user id anda.

2. Masuk ke Dashboard Layout>Edit HTML dan klik Expand Template Widget

3. Jangan lupa untuk selalu mem-backup template anda sebelum memodifikasinya.

4. Cari kode dibawah ini

<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>

5. Kemudian copy dan paste kan kode di bawah ini tepat di bawah kode di atas.

<b:widget id='Label99' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='flashcontent'>Blogumulus by <a href=''>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href=''>Amanda Fazani</a></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so=new SWFObject ("", "tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");
so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
so.addVariable("mode", "tags");
so.addVariable("distr", "true");
so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");
so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><></a></b:loop></tags>");
so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

6. Simpan template anda. Selesai..

Ketika anda melihat blog anda kembali, secara otomatis tag cloud cumulus ini akan tertampil di sidebar blog anda. Secara default widget ini akan tertampil dengan keterangan sebagai berikut:
  • Width = 240px
  • Height = 300px
  • Background = white
  • Warna text = grey
  • Ukuran Huruf = 12

Bila anda menginginkan untuk memodifikasinya, maka perhatikan hal berikut:

1. Mengubah ukuran widget
var so = new SWFObject ("", "tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
Anda tinggal mengganti kedua angka yang diberi warna tersebut. Warna merah untuk lebar, dan warna biru untuk tinggi.

2. Mengubah warna Background
var so = new SWFObject ("", "tagcloud", "240", "300", "7", "#ffffff");
Gantilah kode warna sesuai selera anda atau yang sesuai dengan warna template anda. Untuk mengubah background menjadi trasparan, anda tinggal menghapus tanda "//" di depan kode: //so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");.

Bila mode transparan ini aktif, maka kode warna background yang sudah kita pasang di atasnya secara otomatis akan tidak berlaku lagi.

Secara default sengaja Amanda memberikan tanda "//" untuk tidak mengaktifkan mode background transparan dikarenakan mode ini tidak berhasil di beberapa template dan hanya menghasilkan blank widget, seperti yang telah dia jelaskan di sini.

3. Mengubah warna huruf
so.addVariable("tcolor", "0x333333");
Gantilah kode warna sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan

4. Mengubah ukuran huruf terbesar
so.addVariable("tagcloud", "<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><></a></b:loop></tags>");
Gantilah angka ukuran huruf tersebut sesuai keinginan anda

5. Mengubah kecepatan rotasi
so.addVariable("tspeed", "100");
Misalnya saya menggati angka 100 menjadi 200 maka kecepatan rotasi akan lebih cepat dua kali lipat.

Trik Dan Tips easter egg | ninja saga

ini bukan cheat melainkan Trik Dan Tips untuk medapatkan easter egg ninja saga lagsung aja lihat img brikut :

tips supaya dapat telor bergaris-garis..
misalkan ..
agan-agan jumpa musuh di thieves yang no 2,7 dan 8,mendingan di reroad aja lagi gan siapa tahu..
yang agan reload tadi bisa berubah musuhnya bukan itu lagi tetapi seperti 1,3,4,5,6 dan 9 ,,,
soal nya percuma aja klw agan menang lawan yang no 2,7 dan 8 all hasil .. agan mendapatkan..
teluar2 yang gag bermutu ...
sedangkan yg no 1,3,4,5,6 dan 9 sangat sulit di cari terutama no 9=="v


[ S H A R E D ] Doraemon TV Series & Movie

Semua File Video yg ada dibawah sini, sudah disertakan keterangan tentang subtitlenya. Jadi gak perlu tanya "ini ada subnya gak?". Kalo mau sumbang subtitle, diterima dengan senang hati, tapi diharapkan lapor terlebih dahulu, supaya gak ada yang double sub. Untuk timing bisa pake subtitle bahasa china yg dikasih mogulemon.

Long Movie

Spoiler untuk Long Movie:
  1. Doraemon The Movie - Nobita's Dinosaur (1980) [chinese hardsub] credits to mogulemon | indo subtitle by beny_com82
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  2. Doraemon and the Records of Nobita Spaceblazer (1981) [chinese hardsub] credits to mogulemon
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  3. Doraemon The Movie - Nobita and the Haunts of Evil (1982)[no sub] + indo sub credits to cataku
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  4. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil (1983) >> part 1 | part 2 | part 3 credits to foxss29 | + eng sub >> great thanks to cr4y88

    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  5. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita's Great Adventure into the Underworld (1984) (Chinese Hardsub) credits to mogulemon
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  6. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita's Little Space War (1985) credits to foxss29 | eng sub by cr4y88
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  7. Doraemon - Nobita and the Steel Troops (1986) (English Hardsub) credits to cataku
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  8. Doraemon and the Knight of Dinosaurs (1987) credits to mogulemon | indo subtitle by g3rryok
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  9. Doraemon the Record of Nobita's Parallel Visit to the West (1988) (chinese hardsub) credits to foxss29 + indo sub credits to g3rryok
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  10. Doraemon the.Movie - Nobita and the Birth of Japan (1989) >> part1 | part2 | part3 credits to cataku + indo sub credits to mogulemon english sub by dorawan89

    Spoiler untuk petunjuk:

    hapus rar-nya gabung pake HJSplit, tp harus donlot smoa part dolo, tutorial pake HJSplit ada disini >>

    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  11. Doraemon Movie Animal Planet (1990) (English Hardsub) credits to shinkan
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  12. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita's Dorabian Nights (1991) credits to foxss29 + indo sub credits to mogulemon
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  13. Doraemon - Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds (1992) credits to cataku + indo sub credits to Sofyan Law
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  14. Doraemon The Movie - Nobita and the Tin Labyrinth (1993) [chinese hardsub] credits to cataku
    password if needed:
    Hidden Block (0 post(s) are required, you have 5):

    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  15. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita and Three Visionary Swordsmen (1994) [no sub]credits to foxss29
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  16. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita's Diary on the Creation of the World (1995)[no sub] credits to foxss29 + Indo Sub by g3rryok
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  17. Doraemon - Nobita and the Galaxy Superexpress (1996)[chinese hardsub] credits to cataku
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  18. Doraemon.the.Movie.18.Nobita.and.the.Spiral.City (1997) credits to aomi + indo sub credits to mogulemon
    Spoiler untuk gambar:


  19. (1998)credits to aomi + indo sub credits to mogulemon
    or mirror
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  20. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita Drifts in the Universe (1999) [no sub]

    >> part1 | part2 credits to foxss29 + Indo Softsub by martinxz
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  21. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita and the Legend of the Sun King (2000) (Chinese Hardsub) credits to mogulemon + Indo Softsub by martinxz
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  22. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita and the Winged Braves (2001) (Chinese Hardsub) credits to mogulemon + Indo Softsub by martinxz
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  23. Doraemon the Movie - Nobita in the Robot Kingdom (2002) (Chinese Hardsub) credits to mogulemon + Indo Softsub by martinxz
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  24. Doraemon Movie Nobita And The Wind Wizard (2003) (Engslih Hardsub) credits to shinkan
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  25. Nobita's Wannyan Space-Time Odyssey (2004)[no sub] credits to cataku | indo sub by beny_com82
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  26. Doraemon Movie Nobita's Dinosaur (2006) (English Hardsub) >> part1 | part2 credits to shinkan | indo sub by beny_com82

    Trailer >>
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  27. Doraemon Movie Into The Magic Planet Bahasa Indonesia Hardsub V2 by Dimdom Doraemon Movie Into The Magic Planet (2007) (English SoftSub) credits to Gundam007 + Doraemon Movie Into The Magic Planet (2007) (Indonesian Softsub) (MU) by Dimdom || Mirror (Maknyos) by Kycha
    Indonesian Subtitle Only by didietz_ultima

    Trailer >>

    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  28. Doraemon The Movie 2008 - Nobita to Midori no Kyojin Den credits to cataku + indo sub >> great thanks to mogulemon
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

    mirror (hardsub english) by iamasep

  29. Doraemon The Movie 2009 - Shin Nobita no Uchu Kaitakushii >> Part 1 | Part 2 credits to cataku | english subtitle by Nagi | indo subtitle by minamifansu -- Doremi Fansub Release (English Softsub) @IDWS @maknyos by naruto3dy
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

  30. Doraemon Movie 2010 - Nobita no Ningyo Daikaisen RAW SD by g3rryok + English Subtitle by h3ru_sutanto - Doraemon Movie 2010 - Nobita no Ningyo Daikasen RAW LQ by Dimdom - Mirror IDWS by torabone + Vietnamese Sub by Dimdom + Chinese Subtitle by g3rryok Doremi-Hatsuyuki Eng Sub by naruto3dyDoremi-Hatsuyuki English Sub by DimdomDoremi-Hatsuyuki English Softsub + Indo Sub by Cacienk13 + Indo Sub by mirzamc + Indo Sub by asfia_urrahman81
    Spoiler untuk gambar:

    LQ :


Short Movie
Spoiler untuk Short Movie:

TV. Series
Spoiler untuk TV. Series:

TV Series Complete Guide
by Dimdom

[ARR] Doraemon - Spring + Autumn + Summer + Winter Specials (English Subbed)

TV. Series 1979
Episode 01-20 by jovin2610
Episode 21-35 by jovin2610
Episode 36-45 by jovin2610
Episode 46-55 by jovin2610
Episode 56-75 by jovin2610

Compilation 1979 Series by Nasadows98 + sub chinese

TV. Series 2008 (English Hardsubbed [RG])

Episode 132
Episode 133

MU Credit to Dimdom Ifile n EU Credit to g3rryok

TV. Series 2009 (Chinese Hardsubbed)

Episode 01 by mogulemon
Episode 02 by mogulemon
Episode 03 by mogulemon
Episode 04 by mogulemon
Episode 05 by mogulemon
Episode 06 by jovin2610
Episode 07 by jovin2610
Episode 08 by jovin2610

TV. Series 2010 (Japanese Softsub + Bhs. Indonesia Softsub)
Episode 181 by Dimdom + Indo Sub by Himyars - Mirror (Better Timing) by Dimdom
Episode 182 by Dimdom
Episode 183 by Dimdom + Versi Hemat (Indo Sub) + Sub Indo Only by Cacienk13
Episode 184 by Dimdom + Bhs. Indonesia Subtitle by Yoga
Episode 189 (Encode & Upload by AnthraX - Bahasa Indonesia Subtitle by Dimdom)

TV Series 2011
14 Januari 2011 (RAW) by Dimdom
21 Januari 2011 (RAW) by Dimdom


Karaoke Video Clip
Spoiler untuk Video Clip:

Ongoing Subbing Project
Spoiler untuk Subbing Project:

Doraemon Movie 15 - Nobita and Three Visionary Swordsmen by Cr4y88 Status : Translating
Doraemon 2010 Ep 182 by Himyars Status : Pending Translating
Doraemon Movie 17 - Nobita and Galaxy Superexpress by torabone Status : Translating
Doraemon Movie 30 - Nobita and Mermaid Battle Indo Sub by cacienk13 Status : Translating

Spoiler untuk Wallpaper:

Wallpaper by jovin2610

These are Free Fansub - Not for Sale, Rent, or Kaskus FJB
